Barbenheimer: The Absurd Arena Live Discussion Board
Live chat at 12pm EST with Katie and Wilson in the Substack app chat!
Click here to join the live discussion board with Katie and Wilson in the Substack app chat
Hey Useful Idiots,
It’s finally Barbenheimer week, and movie theaters are filled for the neon roller blades and nuclear bombs. Are you celebrating like a good American and seeing them together as a double feature? (I am)
But before we get dressed up in pink spandex and dark fedoras, let’s discuss: what do these movies really say about our time? While it’s nice to look at these movies in a vacuum, as fun art pieces by two once-indie filmmakers, I’m sure there are opinionated Useful Idiots out there who have more to say.
Is it our pro-war consumerist Twitter culture that is propping these movies up? Do our ruling elites have other propagandist reasons to get us to watch them? Did some terrible legislation get passed on the release date, sliding under the radar while we’re distracted with Oscar buzz?
If I know Useful Idiots, I know there’s more nefarious info for you to share. So join Katie and Wilson at 12pm est to unearth the underground take on Barbenheimer.