Dr. Feelgood: The Absurd Arena – Useful Idiots Discussion Board
For the Useful Idiots who think they can talk back to a podcast.
Hey Useful Idiots,
Upon closer analysis of the past few Absurd Arenas, one fact, if the reader reads extremely carefully, becomes clear: we’re all depressed about the US.
These articles have devolved into venting sessions for whatever terrible news stories happen to be bringing me down that week, with increasingly discouraging messages and sad and absurd song lyrics. This has become the place for a dreary producer, unable to escape the torrent of bleak news which only incentivizes further isolation, to rant.
And you all have been no better. Each week I read every cynical, sarcastic, discouraged, pessimistic, and so so funny response on this discussion board, laughing at your cleverness and smiling that I’m not alone.
But I figured we need some sort of pick-us-up to lift ourselves from the rut. I talked to Katie and Aaron about finding another guest like Chris Ryan, the guy who lives off the grid in a van and jumps into cold rivers each day. It was a refreshing outside perspective with practical ways to improve your life. Now, we’re researching more wellness experts who can teach the Useful Idiots some tips on health and happiness.
But before those guests join the show, I want to know what you all do for wellness. Small things each day that build up your mood, big life changes that you can’t imagine life before them, New Years resolutions that are already working (my roommates and I began ending showers with fully cold water, I’m up to 30 seconds). Running, reading, cooking, painting, gardening, yoga, breathing, or driving your van up to a cold river and just jumping in.
As usual, the best comments and questions will be read on the show. Here’s the prompt:
What wellness tricks work for you? What questions should we ask our upcoming wellness-experts that will help us learn practical and do-able tips that we can implement in daily life? And, most importantly, how are you doing?
Has anyone tried transcendental meditation? The people on David Lynch’s channel all call it life changing. I don’t really understand what it is
my wellness routine in no particular order:
have sex with spouse
play plenty of tennis
listen to lots of comedy specials
backup plan:
take an edible and
- listen to music; or
- clean house; or
- cook a meal; or
- groom dog