Order 66: The Absurd Arena Live Discussion Board
Live chat at 12pm EST with Katie and Wilson in the Substack app chat!
Click here to join the live discussion board with Katie and Wilson in the Substack app chat
Hey Useful Idiots,
This week in a campaign rally, Donald Trump had an epiphany: the one executive order that would fix America, that would solve every problem of the last 250 years, that would heal the divide between Democrats and Republicans, that would finally make America great again.
The order is simple. “Using federal law,” he said. “I will order my government to deny entry to all Communists and all Marxists… We're going to keep foreign Christian-hating Communists, Marxists, and Socialists out of America.” Cue thunderous applause.
But what if Trump isn’t the victor in November of next year? What if instead, it’s you?
You get one executive order to make a change in the US. Are you also kicking out all the socialists, or is there something else you’ve got your eye on? Either something to help the greatest number of people, something to institutionally change the country, or something to break up the biggest money suckers who control the US?
Join Katie and Wilson at 12pm est for your own campaign rally. You’ve got one order. How are you going to make America great again?
I don't have a smart phone or a mobile phone they are beyond my limited abilities. I hate land lines but I own one.
I would enact Quebec Bill 21.
This is an English translation and the translation is masterful
An Act Respecting the Laicity of the State
It is not every piece of popular legislation that is met with 80% approval that is condemned by the centrist American Civil Liberties Union and the extreme anti democratic right wing fascist Regent University. They are on the same side and represent the 20%; that is American democracy.
In Quebec we understand ; no Bill 21 no Canada. The Canadian Supreme Court cannot rule against the people of Quebec.