The Next American Civil War
Chris Hedges on the American divide and how violent language inevitably leads to violence
A foreboding story:
“I watched Yugoslavia divide until you had these completely polarized, antagonistic camps that were speaking to each other in the language of violence. And I know from covering war that it becomes a very short step. Once you begin to speak in the language of violence to actually carrying out violence and that's what's happening.”
This is what Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges sees in America today. He also warns that, in every conflict he witnessed first hand, nobody believed the violence would start until blood was already shed.
Take a look at America.
There’s a visceral hatred rising between Americans. A nationalist, conspiracy-theorizing right against a “morally bankrupt liberal class that doesn’t stand for anything anymore.”
Journalism has collapsed. There’s no longer a goal to win back audience trust. “Their motive is to cater to a demographic and make money.” Journalism has become a tool to widen the divide.
And a huge population of Americans are already armed. But none of us can imagine violence actually breaking out. That idealism could end soon.
Chris laughs and quotes Joseph Roth: “You think you’re going to survive?”
–Hedges on vaccine mandates: “How inconsistent and incoherent it is to have mandates and at the same time not enabling people in other countries to get them with the patents and no generics. How you can possibly pretend that your priority is saving lives?”
–Chris’s new book Our Class: Trauma and Transformation in an American Prison
–And the most important story of the week: Nicki Minaj v. Joy-Ann Reid
It’s all this, and more, on this week’s subscriber-only episode of Useful Idiots. Watch it here.
Biden administration is full of Russia-gate hoax conspirators. Among them is Hillary campaign's national security advisor, Jake Sullivan — now President Biden's National Security Advisor.
Sullivan was a member of the team that concocted the Russia-gate scam of the century and has played a role in destruction of Trump’s National Security Advisor, a distinguished general Michael Flynn (whom narcissist Obama abhorred). The persecution and insults to Mike Flynn still continue to this day:
Chase bank just cancelled credit card of US general, Michael Flynn.
Reason given: Flynn is a "reputation risk"....
Truly an outrage – always remember Obama’s bank mega-gangsters and their “reputation”.
The Indictment of Hillary Clinton's Lawyer is an Indictment of the Russia-gate Wing of U.S. Media
The DOJ's new charging document, approved by Biden's Attorney General, sheds bright light onto the Russia-gate fraud and how journalistic corruption was key.
PS: I am sure that Hunter Biden has all his credit cards - full of money "earned" by Biden-family corruption.
I went back and listened to your interview with Dr Robert Gallo from last year. It seems like now would be a great time to do a follow up interview to see what his current opinion on the vaccines are. I’d really like to know if he still trying to do research with the OPV vaccine to prevent SARS and other viruses.