As you judge, so shall you be judged.

Whoever sows the wirlwind, beware lest you reap a hurricane.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

Wow, I cannot immagine the fear the supporters of Isreael must feel. Their worst nightmare must be that someone else will treat them as they have treated the Palestinians for the last 75 years.

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yes and I am not afraid to say I'm a jew for Palestine! I'm an anti-zionist jew and I say not in my name!

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Tony "Still Ain't" Blinken..... his cold dead eyes hardly ever blink

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New nickname for Blinkin? How about Back-Hoe Tony. The sleight of hand of his twisted rhetoric backfills Israeli lies to misdirect American attention while IDF backhoes cover-up massacred Palestinians in mass graves.

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Toadie Tony and Gooey Joey

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How can these guys - these 'powerful' americans - lie so easily. They have not an ounce of shame. No shame for racism, no shame for outright deception, just no shame. What a pathetic society this represents.

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The narcissism of minor difference…arguing over a weapons shipment while the little children die.

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The only “crossfire” I see evidence of is the one arcing between Blinken’s ears, back & forth from his lies on behalf of Israel & to his pretense of caring a goddamn about wholesale slaughter of Palestinian civilians. If he keeps it up perhaps he’ll blow his own mind. The eyes show it.

(“He blew his mind out in a car/ He didn’t notice that the lights had changed”)

Mouthy Mr. Cracker & Tall Cotton Tom stride with demented glee through a rhetoric that’s been harvested from an open grave. Both are freaks in a twisted Zionist death cult that seeks to infect the whole world. And the TV networks wittingly or not propagate such poisonous fruit while pretending to question it. Vegetating viewers thrive on it.

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Ever since October 7, the Western political class has been on a WW 2 atrocity remembrance tour: Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki; the disturbing thing is that they all refer to these War Crimes fondly, like Israel's the DJ playing one of their favorite songs.

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