Where is the rest of the Mate' interview, Matt? I have a paid subscription to Useful Idiots and I just don't see it here. By the way, as the curtain is drawn back on each aspect of Russiagate, are you seeing a pattern here? Although I have read Aaron's description of why the "Russian hack" of the DNC has fallen apart - and I agree with him - I would love for you and Katie to interview him about that.

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The story is sadly still really important for it reveals the contours of the democrat’s BS machine. And some questions: how did the FBI buy into this? How did The democrats coordinate the attacks? Why did the media buy into this so completely?

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Gore Vidal answered these questions 30 years ago:


He was so damn prescient, this speech is scary relevant today. The natl security state has only grown in power and I'm not sure that a convention of the states is still possible- some kind of false flag event and lockdown would happen first...

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Yes. Vidal provided the general framework for an answer. What we need now are the specifics as it applies to this case. For example, would you have guessed that the FBI’s sympathies with were with the Democrats? Is the press just mindless or is it inflitrated? Is this organized or just how the system operates? What made the natural security state worried about Trump? After all he was hardly a peacenik. So, details, details, details.

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also.... Aaron Maté: New Indictments Expose Democrats’ Russiagate Obsession as a Historic Hoax - The Canadian journalist joins Robert Scheer to discuss the damning new Justice Department evidence that the Hillary Clinton campaign conspired to finance and promote the totally fraudulent “Steele Dossier." https://scheerpost.com/2021/11/12/aaron-mate-new-indictments-expose-democrats-russiagate-obsession-as-a-historic-hoax/

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Love your show. Looking forward to listening to the interview. In the text above you say "not many others on the left will be covering this one." In the video, IIRC, you said you would be alone in covering this. Don't be petty, Katy and Matt. Jimmy Dore has been platforming Aaron before Aaron had the Grayzone or Pushback or Substack, and has taken a LOT of shit for it.

Breaking Points and Jimmy Dore don't praise each other much if at all, but Krystal was big enough to mention Jimmy by name in her coverage of this. You two should do the same.

Jimmy can be over the top, no doubt. But he has been Spot. Fucking. On. about nearly every poltical tempest of the last few years - particulalry Russiagate.

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*Katie - sorry for the misspelling!

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How vindicating to know that Bill Maher probably has his foot in his mouth somewhere. Maybe HBO will offer Matt his show.

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Matt how dare you not show Schiff calling Jan 6 an “erection” when he was on The View! I tweeted you the damn clip of him saying that yesterday…

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There is no good case for mass-vaccinating the children with covid vaccines. The very few children who have comorbidities should be vaccinated. The rest should be allowed to catch covid, recover normally (as nearly all do), and benefit from natural immunity. We don't need to expose them to the still-uncertain long-term risks, or even the known myocarditis risks.

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You guys really need to clarify what you mean by "Russiagate" as Trump did lie about his ties to Russians and "deals" in Russia thus providing reasons to investigate him in association with Russian hacking. Does Mate have an agenda to make it appear that Trump's allegation that the investigation was a Democratic witch hunt? The investigation into Trump was driven by Trump's lies. If Trump didn't lie, he never would have been investigated.

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That Republicans are just stupid and too ideological for their own good is seen in that "The Balance" tweak's claim that "the left still wants to grab last ditch control" is proven in Big Bird's "indoctrination" of five year olds.

What should happen is that kids get indoctrinated in science class to accept objective reality instead of their parents' obvious refusal to accept that objective reality. This country is in this mess because of conservatism and the GOP. It's just too bad that liberals don't take tweaks like this to the wood shed and smack them around with objective facts every time they open their stupid yaps.

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Where is the rest of the interview, promised at the end by going here?

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I thought the entire point of the subscription model was to ensure journalistic independence. I'm confused by the ads and would appreciate an explanation.

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Top 10 movie for me..."new shit has come to light". Indeed, it is time to "draw a line in the sand" lol

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state animal farm: some sponsors are more equal than others

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Friends don't let friends plug State Farm.

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I am deeply disappointed in the New York Post. I'm sure the Useful Idiots could write a better headline for the cobra attack.

"Dutch Man Injured in Snake-on-Snake Violence"

"Dangle Mangle by Cobra-Infested Toilet"

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