Abby Martin on Not Being Allowed to Criticize Israel and Cutting Through the Corporate Media Narrative - Extended Interview
We talk Youtube censorship, the administration's lack of foreign policy change, and Jill Biden gets a pwadw-A for effort.
“I don’t know what the solution is other than directly funding alternative media like this show.”
These wise words and more from Abby Martin, who talks with Matt and Katie about her film Gaza Fights for Freedom which has been heavily censored and hidden by Youtube, liberals’ impressive flexibility in bending over backwards to support Netanyahu, and Biden’s continuity from Trump’s foreign policy stances: “Every single cent is being squandered to this endless military industrial complex” [when they should be used to subscribe to Useful Idiots].
Also in this subscriber-only episode of Useful Idiots:
–Andrew Yang’s apology for his pro-Israel tweet
–We learn that Oz Katerji was secretly a member of an electronic dubstep band and now your Useful Idiot producer is on a hunt to find his songs
–Jill Biden takes the Stoned Moment this week in her terrible but confident endorsement of the United Farm Workers of America
For the full video and audio from our interview with Abby Martin, click here. You can subscribe by hitting the button below:
The problem with people like Abby Martin is that they do more damage than good. Israel (or Netanyahu to be exact) indeed heated stuff up in hope of a conflict with Hamas. But telling lies like the El-Aqtsa mosque was burning while they were cheering is counter-productive. It wasn't the mosque, it was a tree in the mosque court yard, and it was a firecracker that burned it. They were indeed chanting racist songs down there next to the western wall but not because that tree was burning. There were other exaggerations and mistruths she mentioned. People in Israel are bombarded with a Fox News times 10 media from ALL mainstream media channels and newspapers, and are not aware at all of what's happening in Gaza. And one of the biggest weapons they have in keeping the jewish Israelies ignorant is showing people around the world spouting fake news. "See, don't believe that people are suffering in Gaza, look at Abby Martin/any other media person lying about the tree burning..They all lie about us", and that's it, people stay brain washed. Please hold your guests accountable to facts. Great show otherwise :)
Oh Please - Hamas started this conflict and clearly the Israelis want to shoot the last missile. Hamas - with Iran's and theBiden Administration's help - has already launched 3,000 into Israel. Joe Biden obliged by handing over $150 million to the Palestinians that Trump had cut off. There's just so much stupid in the Biden Administration's policies it boggles the mind.