I am more than happy to pay for the show because I could not fucking stand the ads they made you start doing

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I wish Matt and Katie would riff on the ads more a la cumtown

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I love their ads! I hope they keep them.

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I thought Rolling Stone was forcing you to do stories on sharks having sex with dead people. I didn't realize it was your idea. I am so triggered.

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When does it drop? I'm going through withdrawal symptoms, I don't know if I can wait til Katie's Sunday livestream. I've got the shakes and I'm seeing double. I need subversive content with penis stories.

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Hey now that you're gonna be on substack, can I suggest a new theme song? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8KaNiQ7XIA

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Omg that’s hilarious!

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LOL, perfect. It's Katie's song!

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Definitely thank you for the reduced annual rate. Fiancé laid off and I’m barely working right now but $40 is a great deal.

*Hoping more progressives will delve into politics of food issues: plant-based vegan diets are saying a big FUCK YOU to big agriculture, factory farms, medicine for profit, and big polluters. It’s been shown to cure asthma, diabetes, heart disease, and can halt the progression of so many other diseases like MS, Alzheimer’s, cancers, etc etc etc. I’m 61 with the blood work of an 18-year-old. Look into why Chris Hedges and Glenn Greenwald have gone vegan. Brand new documentary called CODE BLUE is by a woman doctor who halted progression of her MS and reversed the symptoms, and 20 years later she made this documentary to inform other doctors about the power of eating plant-based. Also progressive film Director James Cameron made the recent documentary GAME CHANGERS about the growing trend of elite athletes going vegan because it improves their health and performance. And as an upside it is the biggest fighter to climate change we have. FORKS OVER KNIVES is famous older documentary on evidence based food science. They also have a wonderful website to help you make the change. Medicare now plays for lifestyle-diet intervention for heart disease because it has been proven to work. The most progressive thing anyone can do to change the world and their life is to change what is on their plate. Peace ✌️ 💚

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I am paying for Matt's substack site and Katie's patreon account. Now there is a Useful Idiots substack account too. Can you combine these subscription for a package deal that is more affordable? What about that $40 annual subscription to Useful Idiots? Where is that offered? As you can tell, I am a devoted follower of you both and would like to continue to support you in every venue, if possible.

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Now I see the $40 annual subscription in the letter but not an option on the signup sheet.

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Hi Lisa,

Andrew lives in Cent. FL, which is gifted with a real-deal Community (read not-University shackled) radio station, WMNF-FM 88.5. The station does a bi-weekly "Health And Nutrition" program with Fred Harvey, M.D. You can check it out on the stream on their website; I think you might like it. 😎

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I would subscribe if I could pay via Monero. Monero is the substack of money

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May I pay in chevre?

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I've searched for Useful Idiots on Apple, Stitcher and Spotify. I can't find it. I can listen to it on my browser, but that is far from optimal.

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I actually subscribed hoping to hear more penis content.

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MUTILATED penis content!

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Just do it exactly like before. Put the entire show on YouTube and have a patreon account or something. I hate split up segments, it's annoying and one of the best aspects of your show was that unlike so many it was a long format which is a good thing. If I'm jumping through hoops to see the entire show I probably won't bother to watch. Don't try to fix something that wasn't broken.

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Sometimes I really like when they split up the interview actually. Then I could share the interview to people who would not have the patience to listen to the beginning.

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What I mean by don't split it up is the way some channels do to game algorithms. I'm looking at you "Rising".

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Oh yeah I can never figure out where to watch the entire Rising show. That is really frustrating.

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If you go to the rising subreddit they put up a playlist each day.

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& YT has their daily playlist too, on The Hill site.

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I watch it on Hill TV. A lot of commercials but I just refill water or get a snack during half of them.

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Yes, a full show and an interview only is best. That's the way they have always done it.

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Will you continue to willfully spread disinformation, or are you taking a new approach?

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$40 for a year?!?! Thanks for that deal!! I love having a pay once option! So much easier on my budgeting!

Also! Love the podcast and Matt this weeks TK with the Soviet newspapers was great too!

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Will episodes appear with the same frequency as Biden press conferences. :)

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Could not play that audio or connect with Apple Podcasts via that email. Apple only shows the Rolling Stone shows. That link did not work in the podcast app search. Woe is me.

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When will the first episode drop?

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So when is this damn thing being broadcast anyway

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Seriously! I’ve wasted so much time trying to find this week’s episode. Does it exist? Is it a secret? Is it hard to say? Dang!

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