It is beyond depressing. There are no alternatives at all to this criminal madness aside from Jill Stein who stands as much chance getting elected as Daffy Duck.

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So true about this all being beyond depressing. The MSM narrative is every where and is affecting people that normally go against such narratives.

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I haven't been able to get out of my head the scene from "The Graduate" (1967) with Dustin Hoffman (Ben) at the UCLA campus where he's gone to coax Katherine Ross (Elaine, I think, is her character's name) back to NY to marry him. He's staying at some temporary housing place, with students at the University. Elaine is there one afternoon after she'd seen him the day before at the zoo, yada yada. She screams about something, and the building owner intervenes as if Ben is raping her or whatever--she's fine, just upset over something he said. Building owner doesn't like Ben and accuses him of being an "outside agitator." This was during the Vietnam War protests, so a lot of "outside agitators" were assumed to be everywhere. I'll never forget that scene, and now it's still being run on these campuses. Jonathan Karl could play that building owner today.

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These students give me hope for the future. They speak truth to power. None of our politicians have a moral backbone and that is why these students scare them. And that is why they are being brutalized.

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As Sparky notes, awesome to see Aaron on "The Duran," which is a great channel for anyone who hasn't been on it. I'm working with thoughts of our "Corporate Theocracy," as well as "Manufactured Anarchy." In other words: the Rule is enforced by making everybody as crazy as possible. Just a thought, in passing...

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The interview with Aaron on The Duran was fantastic!

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Aaron just brings it, whatever platform he's on. His recent appearances on Judge Napolitano's Show are also worth checking out. Katie's pretty brilliant, too, not to leave her out of this note.

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The Bobby Kennedy video Meta doesn’t want you to see, narrated by Woody Harrelson.

https://x.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1786816692611592223 (26K views)

https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1787752278377824612 (22++M views)

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Glad to be here – will be un-renewing from Matt Taibbi after his debaculous “it’s so complicated (but let’s trash student protests anyway)” recent podcast... ✌️

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I was disappointed with Matt and Walter's discussion because I too felt it was facile, especially in the face of an ethnic cleansing. However, I do admire very much Matt's work on free speech and the work he did on the Twitter files. Thus, I will not unsubscribe from his Substack, but I know where you are coming from.

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Yeah, I've been on the fence about it. I was appalled with most of that discussion, but I tend to think Matt is often led along by Walter's opinions, most of which I agree with but not on this issue. I recall the very first time they talked about it, right after 10/7/23, and Walter never uttered the word "Palestinians" or showed the slightest concern over how Zionist Israelis had been systematically though slowly slaughtering them for 75 years. He clearly knew nothing about the history or was even minimally interested. He could only sympathize with Israel, as if there'd been no history at all between Israel and Palestine before 10/7. And he's essentially never grown much beyond that indifference to it all, except to continue basically supporting Israel.

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Yes, the discussion would have benefitted immensely from some historical facts added to the mix, rather than just picking on college students who are protesting. In fact, it was students who similarly protested during the Vietnam War, including the takeover the Hamilton Hall at Colombia University in 1968, who helped galvanize anti-war sentiment. Most of us look back at those anti-Vietnam War protests as being a good thing. However, I have learned that you will not agree with a person you admire 100% of the time. It does not mean that they still don't produce vital work.

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I had the same experience, I actually was so appalled in October I cancelled then and just happened to do a free trial this weekend and I was proud my gut feeling was correct. I know matt still does great work but his greasiness on avoiding the situation means I won’t be able to stand the sight of him anymore. Maybe that’s a me problem but it just gets old losing respect for people

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Yeah that was the end of me ever giving Taibbi a cent which was honestly a huge blow. Thought he was better than that. His explanation was about horseshit. He was such a chicken shit.

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I was there in the afternoon, spoke with the organizers, video-taped the press conference. Amazing footage and people.

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I watched that live, at GWU in DC. Police decided to raid the camp at 3.30, in the middle of the night

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Check out the video on my page, first article in the making.

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Speaking of journalists, I decided to become a journalist. I mean, nothing really super serious at this time

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I wonder if these corporate journalists ever heard/seen the "Useful Idiots" shows. Also wonder why this app does not have emoji support. And pictures. Looks a bit lame like this

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Katie you have to let Bernie go .

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Thanks Katy & Arron

openthebooks.com Funding campuses.


Stop the support, stop the war on terrorism in Palestine.

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They NYT gets something right, and i do not see much if any acknowledgment of this analysis.


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