Early in the program the two of you were discussing immigration. Your comments focused on how Yrump and Biden mismanaged those who crossed. Both the crossing and mismanagement are results of US neoliberalized trade and economic policies in Central America. Instead of going on and on about what sort of border policy the US should or shouldn't have, how about digging into those policies that are creating the massive flow of people to the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo?

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I'm confused - this video said to come to substack for the full Walter Kirn interview. Is it posted here somewhere? Loved the portion I did see <3

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The UI posting policy remains very unclear. Sometimes it will take days for them to post the subscribers only part, which is very frustrating.

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Thank you so much for having Walter Kirn on your show. He was fabulous and so much more than funny or insightful. He has what we used to call common sense; that is, the ability to sniff out bullshit and call it what it is. But so elegantly!

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Impossible burgers DO NOT taste like meat (at least the ones Carl's sells.) They're overpriced cardboard.

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As an animal rights activist and vegetarian, I find nothing wrong with eating meat alternatives. I understand what Matt's arguing, but the burger shape is convenient, face it, sandwiches are convenient, and the meat alternative is a good source of protein. So, it isn't that it replaces meat, but that it's a convenient form of vegetable protein that actually tastes good. I don't miss meat, just the convenience.

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ummm it's incredible to you that he held up this long? He held up long enough to get Biden elected. I mean Cuomo was more a news poster boy than Biden during the election. After all Trevor Noah was a "Cuomosexual" we were sending Cuomo to Georgia to educate those uneducated middle of the country people on how to combat Covid.

Just like how after the election we "find out" that maybe lab leak is a possibility, which by the way if it was engineered in China maybe China Virus isn't racist but as normal as American Cheese

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cook in cast iron pot.

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That cuomo clip is hilarious. I swear to god, that dude try to kiss me and we're going to have a problem.

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You guys still doing this crap where paid subscribers get the full show days later? Haven't listen to a show in months and this is why. Please explain what benefit there is to actually paying??

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Nina Turner. The strategy, is the use of money to undermine the progressive candidate. It is certainly not to encourage a large turnout of Democrats, individuals who would vote for Turner. The stratagem is to smear the progressive candidate, using mainstream DNC mouthpieces.

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Propaganda. Not journalism.

RE: “Today there is no two sides. There is no debate. They tell you what to think. And at that point, can it still really be called journalism?”

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Eh. What you say....

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Penis snakes! YES!!!

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I was skeptical of fake meat, but I was recently impressed by some vegan fake meat burgers (cooked at a restaurant). My only complaint is that often (at restaurants) the menu doesn't say you what you are actually eating.

Also, thanks for the introduction to Walter Kirn! His essays on Substack were great reading.

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I think mass ignorance is the problem.

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Creative Loafing is Local news for Tampa, Florida. The I-4 Corridor has been best reported in Creative Loafing for OVER 35 YEARS! . It is Tampa's alternative newspaper. It does better reporting on government and politics than the MSM for Tampa. https://www.cltampa.com/ (It's part of the Euclid Media Group.)

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Floradix liquid iron supplement fyi.

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