Does Hunter B. make Billy Carter look good in comparison? I admit the analogy is imperfect, but there it is.

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Cannot wait for Hunter’s beer!

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Two words: Bespoke. Crack.

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Bespoke Crack is good for selling to fiends wearing top hats. Just don't burn it.


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Thanks for the lulz. Do you have a lucky crack pipe?


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lol, my two favorite things. Crack jokes and Cage.

Here's something fun to do: next time you rewatch that scene, try and imagine Werner preparing Nic for it in his soft german accent.

"You see, you are this Lieutenant who is Bad and this pipe is your totem that contains your shameful desire but also contains the essence of your destruction and through it your spiritual absolution."

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"Shoot him again. His soul is still dancing."

2 items:

1: Remember when Herzog rescued Joaquin Phoenix from a car wreck? https://www.theguardian.com/film/2006/feb/03/news2 Can't wait for Herzog's JOKER 2.

2: In my (wretched) opinion, the 2006 LaBute/Cage remake of THE WICKER MAN is vastly superior to Robin Hardy's original. "NOT THE BEES!" https://youtu.be/EVCrmXW6-Pk

I will take all discredit for turning the free UI comment section into Entertainment Weekly.

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I'm old enough to remember SNL making fun of Billy Carter on a regular basis.

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Funny, I was thinking last night that Hunter makes GWB look bright by comparison. Both failsons of POTUS's. Both coke fiends. At least with ol' BillyBeer it's not like Jimmy was responsible for raising him, just two different apples from the same tree.

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This latest addition to Huntergate is one of the funniest political-family scandals of all time. I consider it absolutely cruel *to me personally* that MSM is deliberately - and absolutely hypocritically - ignoring it. I genuinely feel gaslit due to how unbelievably funny it is that the son of Alzheimers-POTUS is dropping N-bombs to his white lawyer and no one is talking about it.

It'd be one thing if CNN reported it but with a string of OpEd's attempting to explain it away or make it into something that was a good thing for POTUS, because that would just add to the hilarity for me and everyone else. Unfortunately even their moron writers appear to have gotten wise to how this would be perceived.

I just want to make sure to add that one of the things I've really enjoyed about Biden's office so far is the fact that after "winning" against Bernie by bamboozling the black demo' into voting for him in the primary, Joe's managed to drop a string of L's into the laps of minorities. "Black" Veep calling Tupac her favorite living rapper? "You ain't black if you don't vote for me?" Banning menthols right away? All very fucking funny. Now his own crack fiend son is having N-Words With Friends. If Joe's administration next decides to put a sin tax or and outright ban on orange or grape soda, I really might die from laughter.

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"If Joe's administration next decides to put a sin tax or and outright ban on orange or grape soda"

Sin tax on single cigarettes.

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I think that’s called a “SINgle tax.”

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That would do it. That would set off the race war. Especially if Joe winds up rambling about how it would have saved Floyd's life.

So when do we go about setting up a White House petition for this?

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From here in Quebec it is difficult to imagine a society that is so different in its thinking and understanding. When I hear Chomsky and Hedges attack Pinker I wondered what they were angry at. Here in Quebec Pinker makes perfect sense because we have not gone bonkers

Hope is everywhere and we are optimistic about our future because our society keeps getting better.

We are of course legally secular humanists and we must do everything ourselves because the gods are forbidden to offer help.

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Here in Quebec our Secular Humanist liberal democracy owes its existence to Rene Levesque making all of electrical utilities a single Crown Corporation.

Dennis Kucinich is a treasure . Even as we are not the theological patriarchy of my youth as a Secular Humanist society we are more Christian than the "killers in High Places who say their prayers out loud." Leonard Cohen Anthem

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Your sculpture should be of Kamala Harris and you should get Taco Bell to sponsor it . Sculpture title Kamala Harris Make a run for the Border.

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I adore your show! I shared a subscription with my daughter but she unfortunately works for a non profit in the communications dept and so is expected to consume the worst crappy legacy media. I am 32 years older than her but I shut off cable news 6 years ago.

Keep up the good work! I spread the word every chance I get and thank you for what you do!!!

Forgot to mention, I am a subscriber for about a year now.


Mary Williams

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Personally, I am getting tired of this useless chatter about the internal US politics. It will lead to no change and to better understanding of the world. Why not invite Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb like RT's Worlds Apart did in their most recent program (https://www.rt.com/shows/worlds-apart-oksana-boyko/526410-faith-stars-avi-loeb/). The topic: `The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth’.

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"The Jab" - not 'The Dig' - which sounds like a nerdy confab of archaeologists.

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As your (unofficial) resident German, I’d suggest: Reichstagsbrandstiftungsbeschuldigter Kurt Loder

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Nice you all! Bring on Bret Weinstein, he's talking about the censored pink elephant in the room. Jimmy Dore is catching on. https://twitter.com/BretWeinstein/status/1403476091797336064

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Can you delineate some fact's on why that point isn't anti-vax bullshit? I'm not saying it definitely is but that seems like it would be the primary criticism.

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For a deep dive:

Many dissenting voices have arisen in regards to all aspects of the COVID response. Nobel prize winning virologist Luc Montagnier (the scientist who discovered HIV) early on said the virus looked man-made - he was maligned as a conspiracy theorist and kook. More recently Montagnier has refused to get the vaccine and echoed the findings of renowned virologist/vaccinoligist Geert Vanden Bossche on the dangers of mass vaccinations during a pandemic.




Luc Montagnier on the vaccine (nobel prize winning virologist):


Canadian professor of virology Byram Bridle just pointed out that the spike protein manufactured by the mRNA vaccines is toxic and can escape the injection site and settle into soft tissue throughout the body. Personally, I've had two relatives hospitalized with heart palpitations after the second shot (both were reluctant to share). I've been shunned and called a bigot for wanting to see more long term safety data, especially since I already had COVID.

https://omny.fm/shows/on-point-with-alex-pierson/new-peer-reviewed-study-on-covid-19-vaccines-sugge (1:17 Bridle comes in)

Bridle covered by Toronto Sun:


A summary of key points from Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA techology (on the Weinstein podcast):


None of these figures are anti-vax, Bridle, Malone and Bossche have spent their careers developing vaccines. Bossche is voicing concerns on an epidemiological level and Bridle in regards to the vaccine safety.

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Germany just recommended against vaccinating 12-17 year olds. Here's reuters:

"STIKO said in a statement that it recommends a vaccination only for those youngsters with an illness that raises their risk of a serious case of coronavirus.

It said it was not currently recommending the use of the vaccine for those aged 12-17 without pre-existing conditions, although noted doctors were allowed to give the shot if the individual accepts the risk."


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The first important thing to address is whether we're allowed to have the conversation. https://twitter.com/BretWeinstein/status/1403561674792075264

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I am a fan of Weinstein and his appearance with the "recovering" Jordan Peterson displayed that in addition to being a first rate scientist Weinstein is a fine decent human being.

Peterson manifests all the pathological beliefs and behaviours he claims his "favourite" patients display but Weinstein instead of hitting Peterson over the head showed only love and concern at time when Peterson seems as fragile as our endangered planet.

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