Looks like one of these problems from middle school math - three people have to cross the Rio Grande in a boat which only holds two. The people are an immigrant, an ICE officer and an activist. If the ICE officer and the immigrant wind up alone on the US side, the ICE officer will arrest the immigrant and deport him. If the activist and ICE officer wind up alone on the Mexican side, the activist will throw the ICE officer in the river ...

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This is bad. I wish I could say cable news is dead, but they continue to muddy the waters for millions(?) of viewers. I wouldn't say CNN stepped in it, they are "it", with a capital "S"!

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Did you guys see that Johns Hopkins censored one of their own articles, not because the data was wrong, but because the data was being misused?

Their explanation of it is hilarious.


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Could someone help out an old Dad dude and explain just WTF 'golden leg hairs down' means???

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I think that's a Bidenisms about his youthful days as a life guard, when, IIRC, he was lifeguarding mainly african americans at some public pool or othere who were amazed by his golden leg hairs, or some such folderol

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Thanks for this deep dive into the media problem. It's just too bad that such reports don't get the "air" time that they deserve. It's just too bad that most Americans have more interest in college B-ball than in the state of the media and only have time to whine about it.

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I would love if you could expand the democrats suck, republicans suck segment to include all registered parties like libertarians suck, greens suck, socialists suck, communists suck, people's party sucks! Normalise covering the other parties, but in hilarious-yet-bitingly-critical way!

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Seriously, your attempt to "live Twitter" was pretty damn good considering all the challenges of live streaming. Streaming audiences are used to all the tech snafus and backfires to the point that now they are expected and interesting, it's how you juggle them that determines the outcome.

It used to be crazy to think you could produce and participate in a live broadcast but now it's a real possibility. I think you're on the right track.

At Facebook they bragged about running fast and braking things. That turned out to be bad strategy for social media but professional journalists can run fast by their very nature and if something breaks they are savvy enough to catch and fix it in real time.

Good job, keep pushing the envelope or its ether equivalent. 👍🏼👍🏼

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I have to apologize for my earlier post downplaying the seriousness of this story on a story. CNN at best fucked up and at worst is trying to make it go away. Big h/t to Katie, Matt and Marcia for putting the whole thing in a proper perspective.

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The bit with drafting a twitter response during live stream is good.

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When CNN dropped this clip in my feed it did feel off & just tooooo perfect.

Gather no response yet from CNN

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