Please stick with your tried and true program. Taking a Walmart approach to your show only dilutes the positives.

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The stags in our local park (Fallow deer, I think) grow new antlers every year.

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elk grow new antlers each year

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Contras is short for contrarevolucionares (counter-revolutionaries). The word revolution, in this context, refers to the Sandinistas’ revolution. The contras had the goal of restoring the status quo ante. So “revolutionaries” is an incorrect term, and one that the contras themselves would have bristled at.

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The Contras were traditionally conservative, they reacted against the Sandanistas and their agenda to improve the lot of the lower classes. The Contras, like all conservatives, reacted against their sense of loss of status, wealth, entitlement, etc. That is precisely why Americans, more conservative than liberal, overreacted to "communism" in the first place and created the Cold War. It's also why we're in the current situation in the US, the self-centered conservative block is very angry at losing status to brown and black people.

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Useful idiots needs to have a listenable podcast.if you have something to say go for it otherwise it’s drivel

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Why are you so upset by little Canadian contribution? Remember Norm Macdonald, Mike Myers, Jim Carrey, ... and the list goes on.

The segment in Washington Post Conspiracy Theory Test was hilarious! The rest was ho-hum.

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