via Troy Preston (sociologist)


"To get at the underlying reason for this fixation, Kuklick speculates that Americans are somehow unable to deal with the reality that they live in a huge, complex, imperfectly democratic country that has evolved (or strayed) far from the very delimited constitutional system with which the Founders had sought to discipline majoritarian representation. This is probably too subtle. More likely the reason for the mindless ubiquity of the f-word is simply that the era of World War II focused a polemical “fascism” as the only major destructive political alternative to emerge from within Western civilization itself since the 18th century, while association with Hitlerism and the Holocaust lent it a uniquely demonic connotation. All this serves as a mental and political smokescreen. The “really existing” form of Western proto-authoritarianism doesn’t stem from small, scantily armed “militias” and disoriented “insurrectionists,” nor from a chaotic demagogue such as Trump, but from the state apparatus already functioning. Government by executive decree rather than elected legislatures, politicized intelligence services, and a biased, coercive judiciary are its key constituents. In advanced democracies, such things function more from the inside out than from the outside in."

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"People/Person/Writer/Artist/Actor/Student of color", "community/communities of color" & all the other terms like them are the updated terms of the old racist term "Colored". They're a sign of devolution. No to mention using those terms perpetuate racism instead of lessening it.

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They're racist terms masqueraded as progressive/non-racist terms

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No racial/ethnic group is or was ever free of racists

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To paraphrase MLK, the US is the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today. Many so called progressives and leftists reject the idea that MLK's assessment in 1967 applies in 2023. I think the Squad's refusal to force the vote stems from a common misconception among so called left and progressive institutions like Democracy Now, Portside, Mother Jones, Jacobin, Sanders, DSA, New Politics, etc, that has bought into the Russiagate narrative and that Trump, Putin, XixiPing, Assad and assorted other authoritarians represent the rise of fascism at home and abroad. No doubt there are Fascists, most notably white supremacists in the US and the Azov battalion to name prominent examples but the Squad's misreading of the current situation has led to their subservience to the leadership of the Democratic Party. The current crisis of US Imperialism presents an opportunity to create a new coalition between peace, economic and racial justice, along the lines suggested by MLK.

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When someone calls whoever a progressive they are saying that person is an elitist. When whoever calls themself a progressive they're saying I'm an elitist.

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I don't think it is so much the timidity of the Squad that caused them to not 'force the vote.' It is a mindset common on left progressive institutions from Democracy Now to Portside to Jacobin to Mother Jones, etc that bought into the whole Russiagate narrative, humanitarian interventionism, and the view that Trump and the January 6 episode represent the rise of a "fascist" threat in the US and around the world, led by Trump, Putin and assorted authoritarians.

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Is this guy anything like Kash Patel Aaron loves to use so much in his articles? Can we trust anything coming out of these two being as they use proven non-credible sources like Kash? Kash Patel does tell the truth UNDER OATH but in real life he's a lying scum of the earth which if you're like me think Aaron may be cut from the same cloth!

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Oh the race card! How convenient. Not the appearance card because let's face it you do look like an evil villain from the movies. I mean really? Oh & yea the great republicans get what they want..I'm sure it's not because they threatened to hang Mike Pence or anything!

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