“Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad” -1984
I appreciate you always sharing opposing viewpoints but Scott Ritter obviously has a bit of a vendetta against Pres Biden. Accusing him of being a war criminal in Ukraine? Oh yes, Putin is blameless! And also making Biden one of the chief architects of the Iraqi Wat?? Again where was Bush, Cheney and gang?? Let’s be a bit more fair-minded can’t we??
Well, he wasn't a war criminal, but he was was enthusiastically war criminal adjacent. And he's filled his cabinet with those who worked and will work again in the weapons industry.
I can't believe "you" had this guy on. He's obviously a crazed, disaffected, delusional, crackpot! Beginning to wonder what you guys are really trying to accomplish here. Just US hate? Seems like that may be the case. Unbiased....not.
Wow, "obviously a crazed, disaffected, delusional, crackpot!" Spoken like a brainwashed follower. No nuance, full force statist attack on someone who's opinions and thoughts should be considered, but may differ from your realm. His viewpoints did not create hate in me. I don't hang with those espousing hate. You demand his voice not be heard.
Matt, is there anyway I can personally email you? I really trust your reporting. I tried sending this episode to my twin sister and she responded with that she was mortified that I believed that I thought Russia invading Ukraine was all made up. I said where on earth did she get that from? She said Scott Ritter thinks so. I said how did you come to that conclusion? She sent me some tweet he had made and I still didn’t get it. Then she says, “ And I am sure he has animosity towards the US. He has been convicted by a jury of unlawful contact with a minor, corruption of minors, indecent exposure, possessing instruments of crime, criminal attempt and criminal solicitation.
He also writes an op and column for Russia Today. I’m sure he’s writing the exact things he tweeted. So what is it you think I should listen to by this person???”
What is going on and what would you say to her? She didn’t or wouldn’t even listen to the article but finds me repulsive that I listened to this podcast.
“Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad” -1984
I appreciate you always sharing opposing viewpoints but Scott Ritter obviously has a bit of a vendetta against Pres Biden. Accusing him of being a war criminal in Ukraine? Oh yes, Putin is blameless! And also making Biden one of the chief architects of the Iraqi Wat?? Again where was Bush, Cheney and gang?? Let’s be a bit more fair-minded can’t we??
Well, he wasn't a war criminal, but he was was enthusiastically war criminal adjacent. And he's filled his cabinet with those who worked and will work again in the weapons industry.
I can't believe "you" had this guy on. He's obviously a crazed, disaffected, delusional, crackpot! Beginning to wonder what you guys are really trying to accomplish here. Just US hate? Seems like that may be the case. Unbiased....not.
Wow, "obviously a crazed, disaffected, delusional, crackpot!" Spoken like a brainwashed follower. No nuance, full force statist attack on someone who's opinions and thoughts should be considered, but may differ from your realm. His viewpoints did not create hate in me. I don't hang with those espousing hate. You demand his voice not be heard.
You have poor listening skills.
another terrific episode. thank you guys
THANK YOU !!! Also -- another outstanding int'w:
Unregistered 207: Scott Ritter – April 21, 2022
Scott needs to stop Huffing Copepium.
Matt, is there anyway I can personally email you? I really trust your reporting. I tried sending this episode to my twin sister and she responded with that she was mortified that I believed that I thought Russia invading Ukraine was all made up. I said where on earth did she get that from? She said Scott Ritter thinks so. I said how did you come to that conclusion? She sent me some tweet he had made and I still didn’t get it. Then she says, “ And I am sure he has animosity towards the US. He has been convicted by a jury of unlawful contact with a minor, corruption of minors, indecent exposure, possessing instruments of crime, criminal attempt and criminal solicitation.
He also writes an op and column for Russia Today. I’m sure he’s writing the exact things he tweeted. So what is it you think I should listen to by this person???”
What is going on and what would you say to her? She didn’t or wouldn’t even listen to the article but finds me repulsive that I listened to this podcast.