Very informative in regards to Iran and Rad’s observation about the state of the Iranian people. I remember talking to an Iranian woman visiting the United States in2012 and she echoed the same problems under the strict regime and how the people do not dislike America and wish for some of their freedoms. I see your view of the Trump administration differently. The Iran deal was a lousy one and is even worse in regards to Biden. I happen to read, “Useful Idiots” article after yours and clicked on a underlined site on the review by Reuel Marc Gerecht with the word, “confronted” underlined. This gives my view of the bad deal that Obama and Biden made and are trying to make again. I’m not certain anything can be done to stop the enrichment. A nation of that rule has the power to do what it wants. I’d rather step aside and let civil unrest speak. The Populism now exhibiting itself in the streets of Iran, hopefully, will lead to more sanity than just the headscarf issue. We need to step out of the way and let them throw their own government out. We have no business being involved. Medong, Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam etc. etc. have all led to many lives of ordinary people, like myself, being erased.

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Let me make sure I have this right: Democrats suck because a guy tried lamely to make a viral meme. Republicans suck because Donald Trump make a racist aside in a speech defending Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Sounds fair.

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Hey Katie -- good show and all. But I wanted to thank you for sticking to your story about Zionist apartheid doggedly enough that those rat bastards at the Hill showed their true colors and fired you.

من النهر إلى البحر!

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The sanctions on Iran have nothing to do with what Rad is claiming. How convenient for her. Iran is building nuclear weapons as it threatens Israel with annihilation. We Jews have been here many times in the past. If an evil dictator threatens us we had better pay attention this time. That's the reason for the sanctions not some gobeldegook she comes up with.

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I wonder if we should sanction Israel? You know, because they have some Palestinian issues. How long has Israel had nuclear weapons?How inconvenient for you. You’ve been there many times in the past. Which makes your hypocrisy all the more inexplicable.

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Israel has never threatened any nation or people with a nuclear bomb. Plus which it was Hamas that fired 4,000 rockets at Israeli civilians not the other way around. We have to protect ourselves. Right now there are many terrorist cells in the west bank determined to kill Israelis so the IDF is going in to stop them. We defend ourselves. Our army is the Israel DEFENSE Forces. The problem is the Palestinians who could have had their own state long ago but refuse to allow us to be there too.

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You have plenty of excuses for your hostilities with your neighbors. Relish this time. The time you thought you were the victim. As US hegemony diminishes and fossil fuels are replaced by alternative energy, you may look back on this time as a place where diplomacy could have served many. But arming you may not serve the military industrial complex anymore. And by the time you are truly the victim no one will care. Unless we find lithium under that oil. Then go ahead and ne petty

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"In the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Arab forces were overwhelming Israeli forces and Prime Minister Golda Meir authorized a nuclear alert and ordered 13 atomic bombs be readied for use by missiles and aircraft. The Israeli Ambassador warned President Nixon of "very serious conclusions" if the United States did not airlift supplies. Nixon complied." Hersh, Seymour (1991), The Samson Option: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy, p. 225.

You're a genocidaire. There's a special place in Hell for you.

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Yes, you prove my point. We were attacked. We did not threaten them first nor would we use nuclear weapons unless it was an extreme situation which for Jews is not unusual. And, I would point out, if we're committing genocide, we're not very good at it. There are far more Palestinians now than there were 40, 50, 60 years ago. They are doing quite well actually.

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Zionist moron: Israel has never threatened any nation or people with a nuclear bomb

Me: Provides clear instance, with citation, of the time Israel threatened to annihilate an entire region rather than accept a military defeat reverting it back to its 1968 borders

Zionist moron: Well you see it's different, we didn't threaten them *first!* (Please ignore 1936, 1945, 1948, 1968, and the Nakba)

You're either disingenuous or stupid, and you're not stupid. You claimed "Israel never threatened a nation or people with a nuclear bomb." I've disproven that. Now you move the goalposts.

Re: genocide - I know you're arguing in bad faith again, but you *are* aware a genocide doesn't have to be absolute to be a genocide, yes? For example, Hitler killed 6 million of you in the Holocaust. There's lots of Jews walking around despite it. It's still a genocide.

> They are doing quite well actually.

Tell that to Rayan Suleiman, you fucking monster.

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You're not alone but you are incoherent.

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