Love the citation of Adolf Reed

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Threat of thermonuclear war concern anyone here - Matt? Halper? Arron? Bored wth your bla bla bla.

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Cancel Culture --- https://substack.com/inbox/post/83954106

After publicly promoting the event, and changing the venue due to "high demand," peace activists withdraw their invitation to Scott Ritter -- 11/11/2022

(Note – the article includes more – it is about Scott’s incredible persecution by “American Justice”)

Scott Ritter has been my hero for a long time -- because of his demonstrated high integrity, courage and patriotism. Until now I was unaware of the suffering and horror inflicted on him by the “American Justice”.

Thanks to Scott and by now famous video we know that the corrupt criminal monster, Joe Biden, knew with 100% certainty that Iraq had no WMD but Biden brazenly denigrated Scott’s testimony calling him “Scotty boy” and led us into Iraq war.

Let’s hope that he stays well and safe although Scott is on Nazi-Ukraine’s Kill list (with full knowledge of Biden and the US War party). Total censorship and oppression are now mandatory in the US so that bipartisan War party can conduct its proxy war against capitalist and democratic Russia and support the Nazi-dominated puppet government of Ukraine.

Let’s stand with Russia -- it fights for all of us. In regard of US proxy war against Russia, as Scott stated: “Russia is on the right side of history.”

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https://youtu.be/ry7j-DaabpQ US/Ukraine Russia war - Col Doug Macgregor (Nov. 8, 2022)

(Col. Macgregor is OUTSTANDING -- if you can still stand hearing/seeing Napolitano)…

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfXIJd5J_VA Prof. Jeffrey Sachs – Nov. 7, 2022

“THIS Is How The US Have LIED About Ukraine War” - Outstanding Russell Brand interview

Why GOP “Lost” -- https://thedreizinreport.com/2022/11/09/why-gop-lost/

“…..the GOP national brand is worthless….” GOP “strategy” represented by war-mongering village idiots a la Glenn Beck. Yet – we are now close to US, Poland and Romanian soldiers entering Ukraine “if Russia escalates”… as expected.

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Hey Matt - that vodka Russian Standard, Moscow-grown Zyr or Hammer + Sickle?

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looks like a mafia

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Brad it was great:)

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Where is the livestream?

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Can you get on that RUMBLE so I can watch nice Jesus commercials while I wait for you?

(Really, I checked it out.)

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Is this the “Absurd Arena”? If not, is there a link somewhere?

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