Do you both wait until Monday morning to have any thoughts on what you are showing us? I have to wait and listen to your ums and aws for anything to sound cogent. Katie needs to do more homework on these issues, since you spend the most time thinking out loud. You are both flying by the seat of your pants and it shows. The BLM movement is a DANGEROUS organization and has co-opted the media, police and biden administration and that is where you should be drilling.

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You clearly do NOT understand the kosmic essence of UI, which is Matt elevating eating gourmet pizza in hotel rooms while documenting the collapse of western civilization.

In other words, you do not understand spontaneous FUN:

Fucking Unreal Nonsense

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Madam, you are free to take your business to Gimbel's! 😹😹😹

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Thank you for all that you do. Both of you are necessary and needed voices to offset the MSM goons.

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I want a Useful Idiots scarf hand knitted by Halper!

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Notice that the GOP has done NOTHING to improve anything in any country in which our foreign policy created a hot mess in our support of right-wing authoritarians who maintained the economic status quo, in which conservatives maintained their wealth at the expense of the poor, and murdered anyone who dared speak up about the inequality in their country, and our "war on drugs". His video satisfies the worst among us, conservative voters who have no interest in foreign policy unless it promotes their direct interest.

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AOC's video should be of her leading him around as a dog with his head.

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Fauci is the most arrogant, ugly son of a bitch to have ever ridden herd on a pandemic. He needs to be knocked off his high horse, Mr. I am the Science. I just cannot stand to look at that liar’s face any longer.

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If the Universe is expanding, why the Earth, its towns and the people living in them are not? Because they are held together not by gravity but by the electromagnetic force.

Matt should lose his arrogance that is very annoying.

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The HWFO (hand waving freak out) substack has an interesting article about the five factions involved in the THREE DAY Kenosha protest/riot that extensively quotes from a Boogaloo "militia" guy, Ryan Thomas Balch*, on "what really happened", pointing out that the Boogaloo "militia" people, who are PRO-BLM AND PRO-GUN-RIGHTS, were the ones that Rittenhouse was most affiliated with.

HWFO notes that there had already been TWO DAYS of rioting and burning before the Rittenhouse shooting took place, which seems to strongly support the narrative that the cops set things up to fail to deflect (like it or not) from what happened in the Blake incident.

The Boogaloo efforts were both anti-cop and anti-agitator, and that included setting up the first-aid efforts for "real" (BLM) protestors.

The Boogaloo account makes a sharp distinction between BLM and the non-BLM agitators, who were the people that Rittenhouse shot.

There was a filmed confrontation between ARMED BLM people and Rosenbaum, the agitator that got shot by Rittenhouse, in which Rosenbaum screamed the "N" word at the BLM people. Prior to that, Rosenbaum had screamed a death threat at Rittenhouse in a separate incident, over an hour before the shooting. Rosenbaum (agitator) had been released from a psychiatric facility the morning of the day of the shooting.

The Boogaloo account agrees with Matt Taibbi that the police set the situation up. Specifically by creating an uncontrolled zone in which BLM protestors could be pushed and mixed with agitators and the (Boogaloo) "militia".

The implication being that cops felt that they had not been sufficiently defended by politicians in the Blake shooting, and they were going to show everybody the consequences of politicians pandering to stupid "social justice" narratives that are exploited by race grifters.

* https://www.aclu.org/other/ryan-thomas-balch-statement

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Nov 29, 2021
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wow, not really a surprise, they were already circling the toilet bowl, but now they are in the sewer.

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MT doing mental gymnastics. Funny to watch.

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White kid with gun goes to a Black Lives Matter protest, to "protect property from looters." There is a racial component here, hard not to see it. Property versus Protest against violence? Vigilantism? It's racist. That Rittenhouse flashes the white supremacist hand signs? Sorry? ~~ I do agree with that there is a bizarre dynamic in a state where a 17-year old can bear arms, where he is too young to drink, to young to gamble, and too young to vote. He should not have been allowed to bear arms--the families involved should sue the state. ~~ At any rate, Rittenhouse was an accident waiting to happen.

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What is "hard not to see" is the vast extent of mental illness and psychiatric dysfunction on the (cultural) "left", including a basic inability to see beyond farcically absurd propaganda from the commercial media.

Your ignorance is astonishing.

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