Yeah, people on the left need to hold Chomsky accountable for calling for the unvaxed to be put in camps and "figure it out for themselves" when it came to food.

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Aug 26, 2022·edited Aug 26, 2022

I will listen, but hesitantly. I kinda lost it for Professor Chomsky when he was telling people to get vaxxinated when the government was heavily pushing the mandates. I get that he was probably saying it out of fear for his own life, but it surprised the crap out of me him being such a freedom and truth fighter most of his life.

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Wasn’t a huge fan before the Pandemic, but his position on vaccination lost me.....

What I don’t understand is why people keep coming to him, he is always the same.....

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Chomsky is a demonic liar. Can’t even talk straight about 9/11. He is pure evil and ugly too

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I moved to New Orleans in the summer of 2006 to attend Tulane Law School. I quickly fell in love with the people and culture, and ended up getting licensed to practice in the state after graduation. During my time there, I heard plenty of outsiders argue that rebuilding and maintaining a city that is built under sea-level is a waste of taxpayer funds.

Many citizens of Louisiana, including Republican lawmakers in Baton Rouge and evangelicals, have always seen New Orleans as a blight on the state. To them, the city is just a haven for violent minorities, substance abuse addicts, cheap souvenir t-shirt shops, and of course, abortionists.

If they had their way, New Orleans would only exist as a port and tourist spot. It’s a tragedy. Even after Katrina, the city still possesses a quality that is unlike anywhere else.

In the words of Tennessee Williams, “America has only three cities: New York, San Francisco, and New Orleans. 
Everywhere else is Cleveland.”

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Fantastic interview with Chompsky! I looked it up and he's right - somehow it's legal for the US to commit genocide! WTH?

But also it appears, so can China.

Thank you for having him on.

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Does anyone else listening on audio-only imagine Aaron with a "Lord beer me strength" expression on his face while Treebeard Chomsky gives a rambling 12-minute dissertation on late Cold War proxy battles?

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The Republicans are basically the same as the Democrats, so it doesn't really matter who is in power. Chomsky is old and senile. Why does he deserve a platform? Afghanistan was totally different from Ukraine. The US attacked Afghanistan and rightfully so. Our problem is that we went in with a mission that we did not accomplish but stayed. The Ukrainians are fighting with all that they have to keep their sovereignty and we and NATO need to help them, or Putin will march onward. Totally different story from Afghanistan. Saying it's the same doesn't make it so and interviewing a senile elder doesn't make it so either.

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If this heading doesn't merit a big "duhhhhhh" I'm not sure what does!

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