It's planting and pruning season here in the fruitbelt, so no live chatting. The Culture War is not farm-friendly, and seems very urban and white. Folks here on Lake Michigan's east shore work, pay bills, save to pay for braces and new tires. The imposition of ESG and drag queens performing at libraries just doesn't rock our debt-ridden boat. Female health issues are important, and Medicare for all would have been nice. It is absurd that media time is centered on issues that don't fix roads, get food on the table or reduce energy costs...oh well...trees won't prune themselves.!

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I missed the "live" chat again, but am not sure I can participate due to lack of a Smart Phone; this might qualify me as a "Useless Idiot." My view of the "Culture War" is that it's a Top-down, Ivory Tower driven phenomenon. And, the kicker: It's all about White People. They've (whoever "They" is) managed to re-package old-fashioned Racism with "Woke!", which is itself a theft from American Black culture, as Aaron Mate pointed out somewhat recently. The ironies multiply--and divide.

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Thank you. And - from a different world, just in:

Ep. 66 – SR in Russia -- OUTSTANDING


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Help Matt-- can’t get in

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