How do you get the remainder of interviews when you are a subscriber? Doug

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I have the same question.

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I think they usually come out like the next morning.

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Hmm...Still nothing. Or maybe I'm looking in the wrong place?

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Yeah I dont know, I don't see it either. I see all the others though. Maybe there just isn't one this time or it's still not out.

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Are you a robot?

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Someone needs to to reassure Lesley Blume that the evil orange man did not designate all journalists as "enemies of the people" and she might be the first journalist to believe that. He was condemning the television (and some print) publicity driven hacks who have destroyed the credibility of "real" journalists decades ago. The best way to fight back is by supporting journalists like Matt Taibbi, Aaron Mate, Glenn Greenwald, Max Blumenthal, and dozens of substack journalists and writers who seek out the truth everyday.

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Listen to this before Recomending Taibbi and Mate .


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You’re also being completely unresponsive to your patrons. We may as well not exist. Except we’re writing your paychecks. Stop this ridiculous programming schedule. Give the patrons the whole show, uncut, the day it drops. This isn’t rocket science. You guys are risking insignificance by being ridiculous.

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Taibbi is running a coverup . Twitters State sponsored back door was exposed long ago . Listen up !!!


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China is building Thorium Liquid Salt reactors. And they will sell them to the rest of the world. It will make a huge difference to fossil energy. Also China and India are the greatest planters of new trees.

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Matt's solution to Climate Disaster being: "Blowtorching the testicles of key politicians." Right? Let's get right on this.

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the nuclear bombings were obviously criminal acts- and the whole Truman gang knew it - but only Stimson raised a hand. Yet Americans will ostentatiously bend a knee before a football game starts and pray fervently to the Almighty.

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Feb 22, 2023
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On the right: "The Jews will not replace us!" chanted by torchlight in Charlottesville.

On the left: engaging in a proxy-war with the country that neutralized 84% of the Nazi military.

Old right: Operation Paperclip leaned on the Vatican Ratline, and helped us employ the likes of "the Butcher of Lyon" - a Nazi war criminal that we saved from the Commies (who would have killed him) for our Dirty War in South America. He and his Nazi pals trained the junta that pursued large-scale massacres, astoundingly evil torture. We also took in von Braun and somehow forgot the 15+ thousand he had killed in making the V2 Rockets, as well as those killed in London by his rockets .

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I dont think 'Merica has the popular, unregulated, very tight corporate-party collaborations controlled by an all powerful party dictator like fascism in the 30s. I dont think that is where the US is or is going.

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but then again arguably if the basic worry is repression then it is just fumbling with shadowy details about who is doing it exactly, and how its being done. Whether its fascism cloaked by the rhetoric of democracy or freedom or not hidden as in the 30s?

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Nobody watches the way you guys are distributing your content. I’m a subscriber and I still have to wait days to get a full show. There is no benefit in being a subscriber once you mutilate your content and make your subscribers wait for the full release. It’s perverted and fucked up. Please fix this nonsense.

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Anyone that gets air time is part of the problem .

Listen to this . https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1MnxnpyrnOEGO

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It's still good content...

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I wasn't sure what Matt was referring to with the 'Sey Hersch' Bin Laden story so i had to look it up. His account was really fascinating and I think I was like a lot of people when I was skeptical of the original story from the outset. I'd love if you guys had him on to recount this.

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"We should find out what the weirdest mayor is."

Outside of the US, there might be better ones, but I only know the US well enough, so in the US check out the historical "Big Bill" Thompson of Chicago. His full mayoral carrier,[1] and especially some of the Chicago Aldermen he closely associated with like Michael "Hinky Dink" Kenna and John "the Bath"/"Bathhouse" Coughlin, are so unbelievable that they prove "truth is stranger than fiction." The full stories are far too numerous and long to reproduce here, but as a sampling: Bathhouse John was corrupt enough that among other things he was ostensibly the effective owner of "princess Alice," the Elephant of Chicago's Lincoln Park Zoon at the time whom reasonably credible stories have Bathhouse and her out and about his ward drinking heavily together while taking bribes and such. Semi-credible stories say the elephant was served whole freshly opened kegs and would relentlessly pound through them.

[1]: Key is *FULL* mayoral carrier as he has some discontinuous terms. Most notable discontinuity being because Al Capone brought him back out of forced political "retirement," because Al Capone was looking for someone both insane and corrupt enough to be his puppet mayor and apparently the obvious answer was to bring "Big Bill" back out of "retirement."

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Of note, he isn't all bad. He did a lot to create jobs and represent and enact the desires of his constituency, he just also was corrupt and insane in the most fascinating and -- with now sufficient historical distance -- amusing and charming of ways.

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"government obfuscated its role in the deadliest attack in history and comes to the realization that dropping the bomb was not justified, despite what we’re taught in school."

I totally agree with the "was not justified," but while certainly a terrible and unnecessary thing it is not the "deadliest attack in history." Even in the same theater of the same war the traditional-style bombing of Tokyo killed more people and destroyed more buildings: https://web.archive.org/web/20121113021343/http://fff.org/comment/com0908j.asp which, of note, occurred after the A-bombings making them even more unnecessary and criminal then the A-bombs.

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I seem to keep missing the long form interviews. Can you link me here so I know where to find them?

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Ditto, and I’m using the rss link

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Do they show up later?

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Peter Kuznick, professor of History and Director of The Nuclear Studies Institute at American University in Washington, D.C. discusses three myths: 1) that America won WWII, 2) that Russia started the Cold War, and 3) the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were needed to force Japan to surrender.

Please invite professor Kuznick to be a guest on the podcast.


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My link here is a LONG video, but it covers the history of the US decision to use nuclear weapons, and makes a compelling case that it was unnecessary-- it dispels the worn-out myths about its utility for "shortening the war" or avoiding an invasion of Japan, when the latter wasn't going to be necessary in any case. Well researched: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCRTgtpC-Go

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It didn't save lives? Eg a ground war and beachhead (sp) would have been very costly both for Japan and the USA.. I'm not married to the idea that it saved lives, in particular on a morally upstanding level. (Because I generally regard soldier's to be more "live by the sword / die by the sword") and the nukes hit civilian areas largely. Most uncool.

On a sidenote: Check out Time Magazine's "Pearl Harbor 2.0" from 2013. Turns out FDR knew Pearl Harbor was coming. He essentially made it happen through sanctions and PR with Japan. A Jewish Soviet spy had whispered in his ear, and convinced him it was a good move. The guys name was Harry Dexter White. He also ran Bretton Woods with John "Nards" Keynes as an understudy. Hence 30 years of capitalism was actually built upon a foundation that a Communist spy developed! (I think its hilarious) Sadly he killed himself as McCarthy was getting ready to put the smack down on him. If you try to get this data through on Wikipedia, other editors get REALLY upset. Its weird. FDR is so. like.. **dead** now. :(


Regardless, many historians don't consider the bombs a part of WWII as much the first event in the Cold War. I disagree with the "first" part, but not the Cold War part.. Orwell popularized that term, btw, and said it had been going on for some time. The first event in the Cold War was American soldiers getting their balls frozen in Siberia- and then attacking the Jewish + Slav Arkhangelsk Bolsheviks in 1918, at the tail end of WW1. (right before we started jailing and deporting Jews and Italians, socialists and liberals - for no particular crime, during the Palmer Raids / Red Scare #1).

Its a good thing history doesn't repeat itself. Right Karl?

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Katie, I think the actual sponsors (perpetrators?) of the climate crisis should be invited on the vacation. Their kids didn't cause the problems and it's already a given that Matt is correct, these individuals either don't give a shit about their progeny or they assume that they are smart and they will figure out how to live in a world that's infinitely more fucked up than what it is now. It could be a nice warm Carribean island, maybe even a sovereign nation where there is already a nice facility set up change one's thinking.

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It was Peter Frampton Comes Alive that was issued to you if you lived in the suburbs, according to Wayne’s World, not Supertramp, Matt.

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Lesley Blume is so full of herself. "Enemies of the People" isn't that far off for mainstream journalists these days. She has no clue what the rest of the country is like beyond her little journalistic bubble in the upper East Coast.

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