I like "it Useless Idiots." Maybe it's a typo, but it's still funny. :-)

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I just noticed it and considered leaving it...

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F*** Joe Biden !!

Julian Assange shouldn’t be released from the dank chambers of Belmarsh Prison because the CIA contemplated assassinating him. He shouldn’t be released because a key witness against him admitted to fabricating his deposition.

He should be released because he didn’t commit the crime for which he is charged and a country that treats journalism as a crime against the state shouldn’t have legal standing to bring extradition requests in the courts of nations that consider themselves democracies.

In summary and once again -- F*** Joe Biden !!

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He is a hero not a criminal.

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Please participate in #WWW4W The White Wig Warriors for Whistleblowers campaign #WeHaveARightToKnow To stop random censorship. To protect whistleblowers. WEAR A WHITE WIG and tell people why you wear it when they ask.

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It's strange how different Matt looks with....glasses.

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