Toure Reed would be a good person to talk to on institutional racism, in addition to and would also compliment what Jesse is saying. The essence of the argument is the level where change needs to take place - in terms of structural racism -- cannot only be at the individual level. Corporations and PMC love this - because it allows them use racism as a wedge or a singularly defining characteristic to fracture public opinion.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaEYVlGu1ng (Toure Reed March 10, 2021).

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One of the best converstaions I have ever seen on YouTube

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I don’t generally like Jacobin but I agree, that wad great.

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Matt and Katie, Do you have a video version of Useful Idiots or are you are only on audio now? I am a subscriber and was wondering what to expect for my membership.

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There will be video and audio versions of every episode. We're still working out some technical issues. Apologies.

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I like seeing your faces.

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Just another reason to hate identity politics as one of the roots of all bullshit.

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Cancel culture has become a kind of political vandalism and it drives home an inflexible authoritarian message. It's reassuring to see that Substack was unwilling to be bullied into pushing Jesse Singal off the platform. It is just wrong to reinforce the hysteria and dishonest rhetoric that is at the root of cancelling.

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I have a trans friend who started transitioning right after high school. Their belief is that medical treatments are generally best not started until after puberty, but ultimately the individuals decision should be honored regardless of age. It's been about 3 years since i've talked to him, but now I wonder...would his belief make him a transphobe according to the culture now?

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Thank goodness Doyle will jump the literal cultural shark soon. What a bore they is.

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“Literal culture shark.” I’m imagining something like Landshark from SNL.

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I’m more thinking the shark episode from Happy Days but maybe they will trip and fall into the shark’s jaws. Hopefully it’s not going to be, “we’re gonna need a bigger boat.”

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i wish the sound level for @kittypurrzog wasn't so low, but you know that. great episode, hoping the video stuff works out well everyone

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Damn... I'm sorry, but I can't just listen. Get the video up ASAP guys. You live in fucking NYC! How much talent is there to get this done dammit? Super frustrating.

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And I was REALLY looking forward to this, and it's armature. The sound levels are all over the place, fading in and out. Dam...

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Is there an RSS feed for the show?

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There is. Click on “my account” and you should find it.

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Cool to see the move to here, happy to support you guys through substack. Enjoyed this.

Just an eensie lil technical feedback - would be great if you had some limiter or just mixed the levels of the audio even just roughly - had It up quite loud to hear Katie Herzogs intro response and my speakers fully redlined when Jamie’s insanely loud interjection was blurted over :’( glad I wasn’t listening in headphones :P

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RE: the overly rigid school policies about hair and jewelry. The other lurking issue are the 'Trusts' that control these schools. What happened to non-privatised school in Great Britain?

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Fauci has stock ties to Gilad, which makes Remdesivir(1). Remdesivir is totally ineffective, and he refuses to acknowledge any repurposed drugs. (2) Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) has been given to Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis users for years. None of the studies gave Zn, which HCQ moves into the cell to make it work; India, Japan, Pakistan, Mexico all swear by Ivermectin. Most of the 3rd world countries do not have pharma interests.

(1) https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/jun/9/follow-the-money-big-pharma-dr-fauci-and-the-death/

(2) https://nationalfile.com/busted-eight-nih-coronavirus-treatment-experts-disclosed-financial-ties-to-gilead/

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Fauci has stock ties to Gilad, which makes Remdesivir(1). Remdesivir is totally ineffective, and he refuses to acknowledge any repurposed drugs. (2) Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) has been given to Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis users for years. None of the studies gave Zn, which HCQ moves into the cell to make it work; India, Japan, Pakistan, Mexico all swear by Ivermectin. Most of the 3rd world countries do not have pharma interests.

(1) https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/jun/9/follow-the-money-big-pharma-dr-fauci-and-the-death/

(2) https://nationalfile.com/busted-eight-nih-coronavirus-treatment-experts-disclosed-financial-ties-to-gilead/

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Fauci has stock ties to Gilad, which makes Remdesivir(1). Remdesivir is totally ineffective, and he refuses to acknowledge any repurposed drugs. (2) Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) has been given to Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis users for years. None of the studies gave Zn, which HCQ moves into the cell to make it work; India, Japan, Pakistan, Mexico all swear by Ivermectin. Most of the 3rd world countries do not have pharma interests.

(1) https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/jun/9/follow-the-money-big-pharma-dr-fauci-and-the-death/

(2) https://nationalfile.com/busted-eight-nih-coronavirus-treatment-experts-disclosed-financial-ties-to-gilead/

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It's interesting that you believe all points of view should be aired except for anyone who is a Zionist. Think about it. Your knowledge of Israel and the conflicts that surround it is minimal and you just repeat the tired old leftist mantras. How about some guests who can explain this country to you. You could start with Hen Mazag (not sure of the spelling but he's on Facebook and sure he'd be happy to talk to you.

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