Sep 24, 2021Liked by Matt Wilson

Fantastic Episode incoming, I can tell.

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Great storyteller, but his take on the current situation in the U.S. (people dumb and racist, Trump bad) feels like he barfed it up from The View or Seth Myers. Why no pushback, Matt?

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Probably because Matt is a nice fellow and he does not know Jaco all that well. But, yes, Jaco is the kind of smug, performative liberal that Hedges was referring to last week when he said that he did not much like them.

Good stories though.

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Hey, where's the "censored content"? I came here for the "terrible story" cut out of the episode!

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It will be in monday's subscriber only episode

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Sep 24, 2021Liked by Matt Wilson

okay, FINE. ;)

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The border agents didn't actually have whips. You do understand there's a significant functional difference between a whip and a rein, yes? I mean, by now it's expected for Halper to unquestioningly gobble up fake news coming from left sources whenever it suits her worldview - this is just how she rolls. Surprising to see Matt lap it up so easily though.

How about we wait for the results of the big investigation into these incidents that Dems have promised? I'm sure it will be a bombshell rather than something quietly pushed to the side and never spoken of again.

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When my parents gave me a whipping, they apparently didn't use whips either. Just sayin.

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There's only one part of the entire video and still images shown where it looks like it was even conceivable that a rein was being used as a whip. Even there, it's very hard to tell with any certainty because of how the horse and person were moving on a slope.

The most shared image of the bunch is really remarkable because of how clearly it refutes the primary claim. It's impossible to be whipping someone while you're grabbing them with one hand and hanging on to your horse with the other.

I suggest watching the footage without a preconceived opinion.

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I've actually come to a similar conclusion about not being able to discern whether anybody actually got whipped, although I would have a care about claiming anything was refuted by the popular still image. But the quibbling about what is a whip or isn't a whip is fucking retarded. It's also stunning to me that people (not necessarily you) who can recognize failures in a certain military withdrawal are at the same time unable to grasp the failures of securing a busy ad hoc border checkpoint with what appears to be mainly equine cavalry yahoos.

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I am also having issues with the download, and I am a subscriber. When I listen in Substack it is not downloading fully, so the podcast gets interrupted and stops playing. I tried the option where I use the link to download as a podcast, but then i can only get the first couple of episodes, and not the most recent.

What does work for me is when I can download podcasts to my phone and then play them, especially as I am often off grid so cannot access the streaming podcast. What would be best, would be the full episode as one download, as getting the free version & subscribed version is irritating. Most recently, it stopped playing when I got an email from substack telling me that I am on the list???

Basically, what I am wanting is an audio file I can download, and play without interruption.

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MAtt, at 38:35, your first thought should have been that the store has a public bathroom. That guy should be put away, with a stainless steel toilet in his single room efficiency.

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Looking for purity in a politician is ridiculous. Bernie is not perfect, he's a politician. Looking at Lindsey Graham from a right wing - Trump perspective he is not perfect.

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When you start the book club, I would recommend "Punch Me Up to the Gods" by Brian Broome.

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What a character. It's interesting to see the issues he invests in on his webpages. I just wish the CNN microwave links were set up to his house at the start of the interview. A nice introduction and I'm looking forward to seeing you talk with him in the future about other things. His wit and passion are very refreshing.

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Looking forward to the rest of your interview with Charles Jaco. Iraq invaded Kuwait in between the time I had been discharged from the Navy and was about to start college on the GI Bill, and I watched a ton of CNN at that time. I remember Charles Jaco's reports from Saudi Arabia.

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TheYT dropped on Fri, and it's now Sun at 11 PM EST and the full interview isn't up. Thanks a lot. JHC will you guys get your act togeether? PLEASE?

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I am a subscriber but I don't get your Monday thing. Also, the extended interviews take an extra day to show up, I want all the content even if I need to pay more. I love listening to you both, you're brilliant!

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You didn't ask him about whether his voice came from smoking, Katie. Chicken!

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Since it was a so-called 'live feed', during the Gulf War, it is curious as to how it effected photo journalism. One considers Tim Page, Nick Ut, Capa, Taro and others, such as Saman, Hetherington, Silva.

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PS: On Haiti -- IMPORTANT it started with Washington and Jefferson US presidents -- -- An extraordinary interview !! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3iT3y7MktI

Recent US crimes against Haiti people -- by Hillary , Condoleezza Rice/Bush, Obama -- coups, military invasions (see general Smedley Butler), theft of $16B+ earthquake financial aid, century of massive exploitation of one of the poorest country. UN (Nepal soldiers) brought in cholera (30,000+ dead, million sick) but negated the horror for six (read slowly - six) years.

A detailed, most horrible recent history of US colonialism -- kudos to Aaron Mate (always remember how vulgarly he was attacked by TYT's despicables - Ana & Cenk). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3iT3y7MktI

PS: Going way back, 2nd President John Adams (1797-1801) supported Haiti and the revolution. He got voted out and Jefferson reversed policy immediately, black listing Haiti and yanking out support. One of Jefferson’s protégés was Monroe, of the Monroe Doctrine.

Adams’ predecessor, George Washington, had no use for the black leaders of Saint-Domingue. Nor did Adams’ vice president, Thomas Jefferson. He dreaded the prospect of black sailors, supercargoes and missionaries spreading the message of freedom and revolution into the Southern states. “We have to fear it,” Jefferson wrote Adams.

PS2: Both wings of the US War party have centuries of identical foreign policies -- feeding and grunting together at same throughs...

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The interview is, once again, outstanding. And now -- so what? What can be done? What specific actions?? Is this not also a potential role of "social media"?

For example - about the all-encompassing corruption at all level of US government:

1. Can a sitting Senator or Congresswoman be removed for CORRUPTION?

2. Are there prior cases -- in prosecuting corruption?

3. What is necessary to initiate a process?

4. What are other 10 or 20 specific actions population can undertake in fight of a massive and endemic corruption at all levels of US government?

PS: The "soo bad" China executes yearly few extreme cases of corruption in China; when was the last time any major US politician was jailed in the US (beyond few months or years)?

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