Oct 25, 2021Liked by Matt Wilson

This is what’s good! Keep these coming please and thank you.

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Oct 25, 2021Liked by Matt Wilson

Don't want to be an American Idiot.....

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actually I was hoping you would edit even more of this nonsense out....we are here to get political analysis/insight not the stupid nonsense chatter which is easily found everywhere else.....and is often juvenile.......

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Oct 25, 2021Liked by Matt Wilson

You do see the word "useless" right in the title, yes? FFS you can't get much more truth in advertising than that.

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I'm talking about the regular show not the special nonsense for those who want more of it/lolol

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This comment section is for UseLESS Idiots. Go watch the regular one and comment there if you don't like that UseFUL Idiots segment. K No offense but this was what producer said unedited. I'm sure Useful isn't going anywhere 💚

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I have little time to comment for the next week but can I just say before taking a respite and all this unity and moderation crap: Doesn't anyone remember the last time Red and Blue America tried a compromise it ended in a Civil War. This time more than Missouri is in play and as Tom Lehrer says We'll all go together when you go.


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7:00 Matt, you won't eat vegan meat on principle? WTF principle is that? That your main protein source in a meal must suffer? Or that someone has to die for you to enjoy a meal? Inquiring minds want to know.

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I love the podcast (and have been a fan of Matt for many years). One gripe I have - its signal to noise ratio can be tighter, so I would welcome even more editing.

I think that the non-interview part of the podcast could lose about a 3rd of its length, without reduction in quality (the quality would in fact improve, as far as I am concerned).

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the food groups are fun/politics requires intelligent snark....it's the 20+ minutes of stupid penis/necrophilia (only examples of who cares? useless humorless chatter)....not offended/simply bored.....comes off juvenile and amateurish....ok, non professional

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Been over a year watching on YouTube when they were with RS and they've always had the beginning parts as far as I know and went off to weird stuff. They'll return to YOUR choice so go take a pee, get a drink and/or jump where YOU want to be.

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