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Nuke… ya know, like Luke but able to annihilate the human population.

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"Honey, it smells like little nuker dropped a bomb. Can you change its diaper?"

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S.A.M. - Surface to air missile. A classic. The old ones are a go to. 

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Hey, Bashar's S-300s are no slouch. Sometimes newer is better, but your point is taken.

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No one calls their kid S-300 ... actually Elon probably would. As you were.

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Don’t you mean, they’re a go?

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Griffin A

Griffin B

Stan Dard Eram.

Am Raam.

Tom A Hawk


Morfius - uses microwaves to kill.

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Is Howie short for Howitzer? I like the name Howie. Also, I think Artie is short for artillery.

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Rayburn, Martini, and I think Scud could make a fine nickname given the right conditions.

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Thermonina Neuculina

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Mone. Pronounce "money" after the M1 tank

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President Putin of Russia: Actual and beautiful speech on Red Square Victory Parade


Putin is the only humane and normal political leader in this proxy war against capitalist Russia.

The ONLY way to “save” Ukraine is -- a direct NATO involvement. For that CIA will have to orchestrate in the next few months a major “false flag” crime in Europe (or even US), or a major, probably with bio-weapons, in Ukraine.

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Gorgon Stare

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We live in a horror and frauds.

DNC and Biden cabal claims that a biggest domestic threat are “white supremacists” – while financing and arming Ukro-Nazis !! What a FRAUD…

Your taxpaying money is paying for salaries of card carrying Ukraine Nazis – THINK about that !!

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And they also give them ‘pocket money’? I read that, bit could be satire. Hard to tell the difference, these days.

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Remember the MOAB? (Mother of all bombs).. The US press calls Russia's 'vacuum bombs' (thermobarics) a war crime, but was jizzing itself over the largest thermobaric ever created when it was a US weapon.

Therefore I declare Moab and Moabina to be children's names.. and Moaby for short.

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A peccary (also javelina or skunk pig) is a medium-sized, pig-like hoofed mammal of the family Tayassuidae (New World pigs). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peccary

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This is my favorite

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US bipartisan War party needs a proxy war to retain power in November elections.

But -- WHY would American population sacrifice and support Ukro-Nazi government against CAPITALIST Russia; Russia which was key in defeating WW2 Nazis?

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Not all do, but the rest are conditioned to accept authoritarian dictates, as most were conditioned to do so in school, with its ubiquitous prison-like format. If you succumb to the social conditioning of high school and engage in attacking your peers, rather than seeing the farce for what it is, you’re probably not going to ever recognize that external pressure again. They’re caught up in that football rally mentality, except in this case, the players don’t get mild brain damage or a torn ACL. They get killed and maimed.

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