Related to the Pandora Papers, a deep dive into the pernicious role that global financial institutions play in worldwide immiseration. The WTO, World Bank, IMF, etc. Not much attention has been given to this recently, IMO.

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I’m interested, too. It seems like a huge journalistic effort that has landed with a thud.

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Not a bad idea.

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USAID too. Yes, I rarely see any discussion on this. I used to work for the international non profit industrial complex that would get funded by these multilateral organizations. Worth looking into how their country contribution systems work, how they contract work out etc.

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interesting to note that most of those listed are NOT from the US, but mostly in the global south or "Russia". Just a coincidence, surely.

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Can we get an update?

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The same centralized intentions that want to crush the democratic and revolutionary cryptos

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Centralized “institutions” my English corrector...

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this gets my vote

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Higher Education as a scam - 3 decade spike of Tuition, inflation of expenses from textbooks to healthcare, the privatization of the university, parking fines, TA's and adjuncts teaching courses plus online curricular scams, rise of the executive academic gatekeepers in administration, and the willful displacement of millions of young people over the globe to keep up with Jones' academically as a means to secure employment (i.e. fake credentialism).

Then we see what happens at tenure (see Cornel West or Norm Finkelstein) and then corporate woke campus culture mirroring the woke racism memes that we see Adolph Reed and yourself dismantle --- Penury for sale at Universities all across the country --- as we watch debt pile up all over the place (https://www.usdebtclock.org/ )

Definitely aim your incisors at all of the hypocrisy -- life of the mind has Alzheimers.

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Higher education is a responsibility of society. It begins by teaching real history. The last Intolerable act was the Quebec Act which the Boston Patriots found to be an abomination. The leading philosophers of the Boston Patriots Benjamin Franklin and Benjamin Franklin were cognisant that giving Catholics equality meant jurists like Coney Barrett, Thomas, Kavanaugh, Scalia, Alito and Roberts who were loyal to the the office of The Inquisition not an America devoted to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness would try to destroy the country they wished to create. The 50,000 colonists that fled America are today's conservatives. They were and still are America's greatest threat. They are today's Conservative Party of Canada and America's GOP.

Edmund Burke the great advocate of American Independence was a liberal philosopher who served as a Whig member of parliament was allowed to serve in the British parliament only because his parents renounced Catholicism only because they were required to do so in order to become lawyers.

Britain was an evolving democracy and the Catholic public officials were deemed loyal to the office of the office of Head of the Inquisition.

The French Revolution occurred after the American revolution.

La plus ca change......

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You have conflated so many details as to be nonsensical - yesterday's Catholics are not today's Catholics. My ancestors fled to Nova Scotia from Philadelphia during the Revolutionary period but they are by no means today's 'GOP'. The only threat to America today is an increasingly domineering federal government and bad interpretations of history.

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Benjamin Franklin's progeny served as Nova Scotia's Governor General. Benjamin Franklin's progeny were conservatives. Canada's conservatives evolved and the party's schism has meant a party of progressives, liberals and GOP like conservatives. Nova Scotia's Conservatives are to the left of the liberal Party of Nova Scotia. In Quebec our conservatives are the Amy Coney Barrett wing of the GOP that once voted Creditiste a devout Catholic ultra conservative party and an ally of the anti Catholic anti Semitic ultra conservative Social Credit Party and in Ontario the Conservatives would be centrist Democrats. Alberta and Saskatchewan get their marching orders from Houston and Dallas and BC 's conservatives are the rural Christianist Social Credit. It looks to me like the conservative coalition hell bent on destroying truth justice and the American way.

Benjamin Franklin was a slave owner turned abolitionist that had freed his slaves. Franklin was a Boston Patriot and came to Montreal to see if he could talk them into joining the revolution. The United Empire Loyalist were loyal to the Crown which in America is now the status quo; or the hierarchy that gave us Robert Stanfield as head of Canada's Conservative Party.

I love the Nova Scotia that has evolved but Robert Stanfield was not Stephen Harper, Doug Ford or Brian Mulroney and he was definitely not Jason Kenney or Scott Moe. I loved John Diefenbaker, have high regard for Kim Campbell, and Joe Clark deserves our highest respect but being conservative no longer means the the evolution of conservatism it once meant.

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And yes today's Catholics are not yesterday's Catholics in Quebec they are 80% secular humanist liberal democrats and I love them and today they they allowed to love me.

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Oct 5, 2021Liked by Matt Wilson

Consensual necrophilia.

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Katie would love that.

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The real story behind the "root causes of migration."

I mentioned this in a comment on your Bill Maher-TK News post last week, but it may be of interest to Useful Idiots viewers and listeners as well.

One the one hand, US military and security aid to Honduras is deeply complicit in state repression of activists, organizers, and political opponents who are defending their land and democratic rights; One the other hand, US economic aid is fueling massive development projects such as hydroelectric dams that foster corruption among elites, cause environmental damage, and displace people from their land ultimately resulting in outward migration.

This creates a deadly cycle that I witnessed first hand in August while meeting with a range of Honduran communities including rural communities, subsistence farmers, Indigenous groups, community radio leaders, feminist activists, and relatives of disappeared migrants.

This is aid is sold to the American public as necessary to fight gangs, organized crime, and provide jobs to the Honduran people, but it is instead used to maintain a narco-dictatorship, exploit the natural resources of Honduras, and create "Model Cities" or ZEDES (Zone for Employment and Economic Development) for the benefit of international investors.

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I would like to see a conversation about when and how people got so uptight about "dangerous" ideas. As recently as ten years ago, 9/11 truthers were on mainstream news shows and people seemed able to point out all the flaws in their theories without getting hysterical about it. Contrast to today where Spike Lee just had to delete them from his documentary series because of a NYT generated freakout. Any kind of documentary about 9/11 aftermath that doesn't include these people is a farce as a historical record. I don't believe in Trutherism but it was a massive part of the culture. The number of third rails that cannot be discussed is growing and growing. Any kind of conversation about, for example, Bill Gates or the vaccine makes people get so fucking nervous and uncomfortable. We saw it with Katie last week. I feel it MYSELF even though I know I shouldn't. I am vaccinated, but it irritates the hell out of me that I even need to constantly add that caveat when arguing against vaccine mandates, for example. I would love to see a breakdown of how exactly this has changed over the last ten years, especially in mainstream media.

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PhDs are one of the most Covid vaccine hesitant groups and yet are never discussed. PhDs have been the most steadily hesitant of all groups and only four groups are ever discussed in media- Republicans, POC, Evangelicals, and “the uneducated, lower classes.” The very educated with biochem and immunology degrees would like to be heard without risking our jobs. Matt and Katie should give us a voice by doing a deep dive as to why we refuse to take these products.

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Would love and appreciate a deep dive into this...let's hear the "other side." Reporting in lib media has felt just like Fox and Sinclair as each anchor says the exact same talking point promoting vaccinations with virtually no investigation into the many questions and concerns ... why continuing immunity for drug makers? Follow the patents from 2002 till today...What about the relationship between Fauci and Daszak and the questions surrounding the latter's EcoHealth Alliance...What about Ralph Baric and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill...So many questions remain, and continue to grow...

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With Francis Collins resigning, no doubt for lying about gain of function—little media…Imho Collins & Fauci should be in jail. What a joke re proof of vaccination to access society. Only requires one vax to enter. One is not fully vaxed until 12 weeks after the 2nd jab. Now the boosters. Multiple early treatments would hav saved lies. And don’t get me started on jabs for kids.

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Just thinking about that, it’s not like someone sharing ideas somehow automatically convinces me of those ideas. People that believe one crazy idea, generally believe them all, which points to an individual problem.

We don’t need a parent moderating what we hear, what we need is a childhood education in skepticism

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We used to hear at least two sides pre 1987 when we had the "Fairness Doctrine". Now we only get one.

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This dynamic is vividly seen in the following clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ck0sF5wnH4Q This interview is nothing short of stunning when seen through the eyes of 2021. Stephanopoulos and Ventura begin the conversation smiling and jovial. They end the conversation smiling and jovial. In between, Ventura suggests that 7 World Trade Center was brought down by controlled demolition. Stephanopolous, unfazed and unthreatened, batts the idea down casually, the way you might roll your eyes and wave off your crazy uncle railing about the gold standard. Can you imagine the same scene today and the hysterics it would elicit - a CUT THE FEED! energy from the host, complaints about "platforming" from the viewership, and hysterics about "disinformation" from both. I can't be the only one who misses the days when people were not so terrified to hear a crazy idea or piece of information that made them slightly uncomfortable.

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Definitive Russia gate debunking start to finish. Bill Maher was embarrassing 🙈

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Chemicals that pervade our bodies that are actually killing us. They may be responsible for all the learning difficulties, ADHD, hormonal problems (leading to sexual ambiguity as well as loss of interest in sex), allergies, etc. Even infants are being found to be loaded with them. We actually need to raise awareness and get people to start protesting.

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Modern Monetary Theory

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What was the scientific basis for the CDC to announce that they had found no link between vaccinations and autism. Was it simply because they weren’t really looking for it? Did they conduct peer reviewed, double blind studies? Many parents with an autistic child, tell a similar story. Their child was developing normally for a year or so. Their healthy child received the scheduled vaccinations and proceeded to lose language skills and exhibit autistic behaviors. And yet, the CDC basically states, “Nothing to see here”.

Shortly before the public became aware of the existence of COVID 19, the film Vaxxed was banned, along with any discussion on social media of a relationship between vaccines and autism. Coincidence? How is it that we went from one in ten thousand children diagnosed with autism, to one in fifty? Doctors refer to the current cases as “acquired autism”; acquired from what?

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The doctor who originally made the link between autism and vaccines was found to have falsified data and lost his license.

Many first time parents don't know their child isn't developing normally (they're so quiet, went from sitting to standing -wow!, those sorts of things) until around the two year mark when things start to itch as being amiss which coincides with vaccinations. (I have issues with the amount of toxic ingredients and the number of them children have to take now, so I'm not discounting vaccines today as problems in a myriad of ways... just sharing some perspective).

There is a correlation between glyphosates (Monsanto herbicide) and the spike in autism starting in the 90s(???). MIT report on this in 2015(???). Sorry, couldn't find a quick link for that paper and being a special education teacher my brain is too blotto right now to cite sources. They're easily enough lookyupable though ;-)

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https://health.ucdavis.edu/mindinstitute/ The UCDavis Mind Institute issued a statement on the autism vaccine link in 2017 (in regard to your question about studies). Sorry I can't seem to copy the doc for the statement. Scroll half way down on their website and it's there.

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Workplace surveillance.

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I would like to see the economist Michael Hudson as a guest on the show to talk about the economic trajectory of the US and world. He was the chief economic advisor to Kucinich's 2008 presidential run and has advised multiple governments around the world, including the US.


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Actions that can be taken about all-encompassing corruption at ALL levels of government -- discussion with experts.

Examples are everywhere. What can be done -- including ACTUAL jail times and property confiscation ???

Once again -- what specific actions -- about the all-encompassing corruption at all level of US government:

1. Can a sitting Senator or Congresswoman be removed for CORRUPTION?

2. Are there prior cases -- in prosecuting corruption?

3. What is necessary to initiate a process?

4. What are other 10 or 20 specific actions population can undertake in fight of a massive and endemic corruption at all levels of US government?

PS-1: A recent description, among many, of an extreme example of corruption – by a hospital medical supply cartel is described by anti-monopoly specialist, Matt Stoller (Sept. 26, 2021). Also note the continuing ugly role of a despicable war monger David Frum who, among others, led us into Iraq invasion.

The Corrupt System Behind Covid Medical Shortages - by Matt Stoller - BIG by Matt Stoller (substack.com)


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PS-2: The "soo bad" China executes yearly executives in few extreme cases of corruption in China...

When was the last time any major US politician was jailed in the US (beyond few months or years)?

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Again, the corruption is legal. Companies and very rich men give our politicians money to do things for them. They used to try to hide it. Now they're doing it out in the open, like Sinema and Manchen. Koch spent 900 million dollars on a recent election, and that's not to mention all of the corporate money that washes into campaigns through PACs.

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Soo - what are 15-20 ways to make it illegal ??? Corruption is now written in stone...

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I was fantasizing that General McKenzie committed seppuku after his recent apology. Ha, ha!

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Ōnishi style. No second to behead.

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War on the Corrupt should be the new thing among the people. It's everywhere. Mexico knows a thing or two about this. And it's going... well there.

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"Money in politics," you mean. They'd have to make the corruption illegal, first.

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Create another Party, Like Work party, and legalize cryptocurrency as a legal tender: revolutionary decentralized financial system with A plethora of possibilities. The dumb left didn't write one line about it, worse, the disgusting Liz Warren, paid subaltern, have been pathetically attacking cryptos.

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Or - form a third party with a laser focus on - fighting corruption. A single and total focus...

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PS-3: An outstanding guest-interview could be with Ralph Nader -- with fight against corruption as a SINGLE focus.

Fighting corruption at all government levels -- local, state, federal, at all branches of government, in corporate, military-industrial complex, military contractors, in all our monopolies, in the huge lobby-complex.

Ralph has huge experience and many proven action plan suggestions...

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Total agree. Ralph Nader has the long insight on, well, just about everything.

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* Regenerative agriculture/ranching.

* Interview Robert Kennedy Jr. !

* Everything is captured by big Pharma - Western medicine; politics and politicians; Mainstream media, "Science", ...

* Connected to the previous item: Why are we all sick?

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Dr. Zach Bush MD is also a great voice against poisoned GMO commodities. Amazon rainforest, Cerrado Biomass are being destroyed to grow livestock and these sh1t GMOs... I suggested this theme year ago.

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The role of the Petro-Dollar in the regime change operations in Iraq and Libya. Both Saddam and Qaddafi were making noise about getting off the Reserve Currencies of the U$ and France respectively before being taken down by brazenly illegal invasions.

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