I am getting so sick of even seeing the terms misinformation and disinformation. The way in which these terms are presently used is to delegitimize anything that the powerful don't like us to hear - which is almost always the truth! If there is ever an enforceable law against "disinformation / misinformation" how the hell are they going to get around the fact that the biggest purveyors of lies presently are: all legacy media, governments, and the intelligence community. If these people pretending to be concerned about serving only truthful information were honest, they would shut down the aforementioned dis/misinformation spreaders first.

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Thank you !! FBI demands 66 YEARS to release data on Seth Rich laptop – (his murder is still unresolved.)

2020 elections were indeed STOLEN – by FBI !!

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Remember when Liberals would speak of the Red Scare and its attendant government and social abuses as something that should never be allowed to happen again?

It’s almost like Democrats and Republicans both have the same wealthy elites’, corpo/tech oligarchs’ and security state ghouls’ hands up their asses making them talk.

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"Remember when Liberals would speak of the Red Scare and its attendant government and social abuses as something that should never be allowed to happen again?"

If you dug ol' Tailgunner Joe's corpse up and put a Nina Jankowicz wig on it they would line up to applaud.

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I guess They’ve learned that you don’t include celebrities and journalists as targets of your witch-hunt, you hand them torches and pitchforks (and now, blue check marks) and they’ll mostly get in line.

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One last thing. ... This 2020 Harvard Law Review article recognizes that U.S. anti-BDS legislation is the product of an Israeli mandate. Page 1,363 provides:


In 2014, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s administration devoted $25.5 million to an anti-BDS task force and reportedly discussed “whether to activate the pro-Israel lobby in the US . . . to promote legislation” to undermine BDS. By September 2014, the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) was drafting legislation to counteract BDS in the United States. In 2015, fifty organizations met to coordinate a U.S. anti-BDS strategy, amidst concern over increasing criticism of Israel’s policies.

As a former leader of Israel’s anti-BDS efforts conveyed, “The key for Israel . . . was winning the hearts and minds of centrist liberals and progressives abroad.” Part of this strategy became reclaiming the moral high ground by labeling BDS efforts anti-Semitic, including through anti-BDS laws.


Wielding Antdiscrimination Law to Suppress the Movement for Palestinian Rights. 133 Harv. L. Rev. 1360 (2020) https://harvardlawreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/1360-1381_Online-1.pdf

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Actually Katie the kilt is a part of Irish & Scottish culture. Maybe English & Welsh too. And in parts of Turkey, Pakistan, but those places may have adopted Scottish traditions

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NBC reported new details re: Paul Pelosi attack:

- Pelosi answered door, didn't "declare an emergency or try to leave his home," instead walked toward the assailant

- Pelosi & DePape were in house for 30 minutes before police arrived

Then -- NBC deleted this video from all platforms.


Tucker Carlson: This is laughably absurd

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it's been a while since I heard Katie Halper!

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Interesting counter point to the Delaware State University reference from Biden. https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-biden-delaware-idUSL1N31Z1SV It's hard to tell what he thinks he is saying but it def seams like muhlarky.

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