Nov 23, 2022Liked by Matt Wilson

I'm thankful I live near the center of a major European city. If the US escalates the proxy war in Ukraine to use nukes and Russia retaliates, I have a good chance to die in the initial blast.

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one can only hope to be in the initial blast :)

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The alternative is either death from radiation poisoning after a couple of weeks of excrutiating pain, or a Mad Max type existence for 10 years until crops grow again. Living in a big city and not in "The Wasteland" of rural Australia, that "Mad Max" life would start as several years of daily battles for survival against my neighbors. Even if I live it would totally suck.

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10 years? That’s optimistic.

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It is not my estimate, it is the estimate of climate experts. Things will grow a bit during that period, but at a hugely attenuated rate. Meaing a shit ton of plant eaters will starve, and a shitton of the carnivores that eat the plant eaters will starve, including a lot of humans.

With modern technology the richest will be able to afford artificial light produced foodstuffs. That only leaves about 6.8 billion to fight for the scraps. Estimates are 700-800 million will die from the initial blasts, with another 200 million (IIRC) will die in the following couple of weeks from radiation poisonning. Can't say it will be boring...

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Nov 22, 2022Liked by Matt Wilson

Thankful for alternative media. Wilson, Katie, Aaron, and Matt (who is missed), I hope you have a great Thanksgiving.

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happy thanksgiving to you and that cat

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Nov 22, 2022Liked by Matt Wilson

Much thanks! Cat is very thankful. (Ghost-Face Kitty, named after my favorite member of the Wu-Tang Clan)

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Matt Wilson

I'm thankful I'm old enough that by the time society collapses around the middle of the century I'll hopefully be pushing up daisies.

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Thankful for the infinite number of news articles we can read that use puns in a story.

Here's a fun article about Jack Daniel's lawsuit over a dog toy company going to the Supreme Court over the toy maker parodying the company's famous whiskey bottle.


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great find. officially a nominee for isnt that weird

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Matt Wilson

So many people who call in speak as if they know you and the other civil libertarian left reporters, writers and comedians. But we don’t. Is there any way we listeners, who refer to Aaron , Katie, Matt, Glenn, Lee, Max, Anya, Rania, Bri, Jimmy, etc. as if we are friends, could actually meet one another? I’m sure there are listeners from my city, but I haven’t been able to find them.

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That’s a great idea. Would be tough to organize listeners of all those journalists, but maybe twitter is a way to find people? If anyone has an idea we’ll help promote it

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Nov 24, 2022·edited Nov 24, 2022

See my reply to Ally. If you have time to contact me in your role as producer of Useful Idiots, I'd love to talk. Otherwise I'll let you know if/when I've developed my ideas and systems further.

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Nov 24, 2022·edited Nov 24, 2022

Ally and others: I am (slowly) trying to develop a/some platform(s) toward the goal of facilitating connection among the audiences who appreciate the work of many of the above (plus Noam Chomsky and Yanis Varoufakis).

I'd elevate the label of "civil libertarian" over "leftist," as I think, in general, the term "left," is a very open-textured one (to borrow an adjective from Chomsky).

I'd say that Halper, Mate, and Taibbi, for example, are most essentially journalists, while many of us, understandably, tend to want to look toward them at some level as ... community/social/movement organizers/leaders. Thus the frequent questions directed at them along the lines of "How can 'we' (effect change/make things better, more just, etc.?" and their typical response, implicit or explicit) is more-or-less "We don't know."

I tend to think, Let's appreciate how well they perform their roles: to educate, to bring us alternative and provocative perspectives and information, and what we might do with such is up to us.

I envision, ultimately, establishing regular small-group discussions among maybe 6-8 participants lasting for 90 minutes weekly with an x-week commitment (maybe 12 weeks).

If we look at comments sections, like here on Substack, for Useful Idiots, for Taibbi, etc., we often see a great deal of input, but little or no opportunity for developing connection among contributors. In fact, we often see arguments and exchanges that demonstrate little or no real listening and appreciation for what people say. Seldom a "real" conversation that facilitates knowing each other, learning about each other without problematic judgments, etc., which erodes instead of strengthens co-exploration and growth through appreciating others for who they are, discovering what we share, and gaining perspectives/planting seeds for growth via contemplation of diverse backgrounds and points of view, and expanding connection and community in fractionated societies plagued with loneliness/disconnection and a widespread and dysfunctional sense of helplessness and hopelessness--so often feeling like passive individuals under control of power establishment forces who themselves are better organized and working together quite effectively as a society engaged in "bitter class warfare" (again, Chomsky's phrase).

While my initiatives are at an early and immature stage, I feel fairly committed to continue developing them as I'm able.

My starting point is currently centered on Reddit, which I chose not because it's the best or most powerful platform, but because I think it might serve as a relatively undemanding space in which I can try to gradually design and build without getting overwhelmed with trying to manage a large community until I've found collaborators and built some kind of initial structural foundation.

All are welcome to join any or all of these communities which I moderate:







As these exist so far, they function mainly as places in which people can follow the work of each group's namesake.

Structures and plans to develop them in support of the kind of goal described above are forthcoming...I hope. So far at a plodding speed.

If this post interests you, please contact me through the DM or "contact moderator" functions on Reddit, or email me at JamesLeonReynolds@gmail.com

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Nov 22, 2022Liked by Matt Wilson

i'm thankful there's still enough viable biosphere to enjoy another Thanksgiving or two. By 2040, the turkey centerpiece may be replaced by a tank full of clean oxygen...

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i'll make sure to be thankful for the viable biosphere this year

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There are a few things we need to talk about. And many of them are scary. (Once upon a time, they were fixable) The chaos of climate heating, the forever wars of exploitation, the awful illnesses. While we spend trillions on war, oil exploration and recovery, drugs to fight flu and pandemics, we don't have much left (or at least to suggest) the peace dividend: Money for healthcare, clean water and food, mass transit, housing, and the many ways we can slow climate change. Our Congress and media don't give a fig about these issues. I am grateful for alt. media, it keeps me alive and active.

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thanks for supporting independent media!

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Stand with Russia ---- it fights for all of us against the rise of the “left” fascism in the US and against Nazi-dominated US puppet regime in Ukraine.

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I'm thankful that the Earth is very resilient and will survive all the pollution and wars and stupid things that neoliberal capitalism is doing. Also that the "jungle countries" seem ready to destroy the 500 years of pain inflicted on them by us "civilized Westerners". Goooo BRICS++

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I'm thankful that all this crazy talk about "Armageddon" has not materialized, at least not yet ("Nyet!"). However, I would like to pose the question: If Zelensky's unfunny comedian's regime falls, as it inevitably will, what will happen to Sean Penn's Oscar Trophy? Will it be "weaponized" as the ultimate "Game Changer" weapon? From Sean to Pawn, as they say. Happy Thanksgiving!

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Thank you! I’ll check it out.

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More about Ukraine’s Nazi government and Nazi state:


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I’m thankful for alternative media and still being able to read and listen to people who ask questions about the official narratives. I am thankful when I get to talk to people who I don’t agree with, but get to hear a different point of view and have a civil and meaningful conversation.

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thanks for supporting indie media!

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Yikes.. Please forgive my technophobia here.. Is this the Absurd Arena Discussion Board?

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Yeah, comment here, respond to others, and ask questions to Katie and Aaron. We read our favorite comments on questions on the show each week

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Nov 22, 2022Liked by Matt Wilson

Mr Wilson, thank you profusely! Your many exceptional skills (while also keeping Taibbi in the loop w Katie & Aaron) are greatly appreciated!

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