I see a lot of Libs on Twitter today reacting to Lee Fang and KK's big story in the Intercept with yawns and the insane claim that "there's nothing new there". Oh? You knew that already? You knew that the government was working closely with big tech to shape the "cognitive infrastructure" of the nation? WHAT
Kinda off topic, but I was recently listening to old episodes of Useful Idiots and realized how much I miss Matt Taibbi. As much as I love Aaron Maté and his insight and intelligence, the comedic banter of Katie and Matt is unparalleled. I really hope that Matt will be back before the apocalypse so that in the meantime I can experience the hellscape we are living in with a cathartic laugh once in a while. Or perhaps even better if Matt can return "part-time" sharing slots with Aaron so that we get the best of both!
Thank you Katie, Aaron, Matt, and Matt... You keep me sane.
To me a mystery is still – why the German population is not yet reacting to UK-US destruction of Germany. When will they finally?
Also – nuclear versus bio-weapons.. Bio-weapons are far less expensive to develop than nuclear.
We have here the incredible conclusion by the Chair of the Lancet’s COVID-19 Commission:
Prof. Jeffrey Sachs says he is “pretty convinced [COVID-19] came out of US lab biotechnology” and warns that there is dangerous virus research taking place without public oversight.
“Why the Chair of the Lancet’s COVID-19 Commission Thinks The US Government Is Preventing a Real Investigation Into the Pandemic”
Prof. Jeffrey Sachs is the Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University and the President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. He has also served as the chair of the COVID-19 commission for leading medical journal the Lancet. Through his investigations as the head of the COVID-19 commission, Prof. Sachs has come to the conclusion that there is extremely dangerous biotechnology research being kept from public view, that the United States was supporting much of this research, and that it is very possible that SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, originated through dangerous virus research gone awry.
I reply to the first question as someone living "next door" in Austria, which has many similarities (and some key differences) to Germany. Germans ARE protesting, it is just not being covered in the MSM. People are protesting all over Europe. You can find video on twitter if you look for it.
Germans/Austrians are pretty conservative overall. The people (in general) are also rich and used to life being pretty nice for a vast majority of the population. It is going to be hard to get more people on the streets until things get bad for more people.
I read/hear disparate reports on how much gas the EU has stored for winter. If/when people start freezing to death while losing their jobs because there is no gas - that is when the protests will grow too big to be ignored.
The attack on Paul Pelosi will be used to increase the security state so that US elected leaders and everyone close to them will become a protected class, very separate from the people they are ostensibly beholden to.
Political violence has been on the rise, and will continue to rise as the country falls apart. We, like every empire before us, are trying to hold onto our empire by overextending our military internationally rather than securing domestic tranquility. This makes a "soft landing" of our empire less and less likely.
That is very hard to predict, particularly as I haven't spent much time in the US since the George Floyd murder and the following protests. I've read a lot of Chris Hedges about how the former Yugoslavia fell apart.
I don't see a second US civil war like a "north vs. south" but more "outside" groups being marked as domestic terrorists leading to escalating violence. If the government cuts off funds (a la Canadian truckers) to too many people of the "wrong group" at once in too concentrated of an area I can easily see bands of the "dispossesd" saying, "Fuck it. We're not just going to starve. We have guns."
In the meantime, the longer the national government pushes "The Hunger Games" on it's citizens, the more violence we're going to see against "authorities" who say they are helping the people but demonstrably aren't.
The funniest--darkly--thing about the "climax" of the "action" in Dr Strangelove, with Slim Pickens riding the Nuke down to Oblivion on Earth, is that "Yankee ingenuity" saves the day, as in: the World Leaders of that Movie World, much like ours, have figured out how to stop the "Doomsday Weapon" being activated until the clever "Yankee" B-52 crew circumvents their efforts, and does the old "work-around" that destroys the planet. I am not sure that this "plot point" of the film has been appreciated enough, the sheer "manifest irony" of it. In Dust We all Average...
Note the intensity of Glenn’s activity despite a serious health emergency in his family
• (re-tweet) unusual_whales @unusual_whales
JUST IN: Treasury Department officials have begun looking into whether they have the legal authority to start an investigation into the Elon Musk’s Twitter purchase because of Musk’s ties to foreign governments and investors, per the Washington Post.
Everybody knows exactly why this is happening.
• One day after a major story from @lhfang and @kenklippenstein proving the US Govt and Security State are directing Big Tech on what to censor, the #2 Senate Dem tries to radically restrict what "free speech" means in a way that contradicts all 1A caselaw:
Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin –“Free speech does not include spreading misinformation to downplay political violence.”
• By the way, one day after this massive story about the US Govt directing Big Tech censorship was published by a Dem-friendly site, with a popular left-wing figure as one of the reporters, neither CNN nor MSNBC invited them on, and no Dem politician has mentioned it.
Why is this?
• 2015, BBC: "Meet Twitter's second biggest shareholder, Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal"
If DC Dems want an excuse to investigate Musk's purchase of Twitter on "national security grounds" because he won't censor for them, they'll need a better excuse.
• Also, few things are more darkly hilarious than Dems pretending to be so deeply concerned about Musk's involvement with Saudis when it's the US Government that is single-handedly responsible for propping up the Saudi regime with arms and surveillance tech
• Americans are being conditioned -- by "journalists" of all people -- to believe it's immoral or mentally ill not to immediately and uncritically accept whatever institutions of authorities claim.
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald weighs in on the Paul Pelosi attack: "Skepticism itself can never be wrong ... Even if evidence does emerge later on to prove it, the skepticism itself was not just valid, but necessary."
• To this very day, you can read articles in liberal corporate outlets branding as "conspiracy theorists" anyone asking about Nuland's comments - same for those who questioned claims about COVID vaccine efficacy and mask mandates, or *any* claim that the US Security State issues.
• The US corporate press is trying to train Americans to believe the first and most solemn duty of citizenship is instantly accept whatever institutions of authority tell you to believe. No wanting to see evidence, no noting contradictions: just happily recite what you're told.
• Rather than obey France's censorship order, Rumble turned its services off for France and will sue. But France should have no right to impose its censorship laws on the world.
• This is why I'm so proud to be working more with Rumble and why I believe in their free speech commitment. The easy thing to do would be to obey French politicians and remove anyone foreign governments demand. Rumble would rather lose France then submit to them.
You are witnessing a slow motion implosion of the US world hegemony. It's like watching a tree grow: staring at it you won't see it move, but come back a few years later, it'll look all different.
(Another precious and timely tweets on our life in US democracy – Matt Taibbi just in less than two days)
• After every tragedy opportunists start proposing we outlaw video games or Marilyn Manson albums or, now, right-wing tweets.
We’re the world’s biggest weapons producer a dozen times over and I don’t ever hear proposals to stop that — nope, it must be tweets inspiring violence.
• The writer Isaac Babel once said the Soviets had taken away "but one right—the right to write badly." It's not free speech unless you protect the right to say things the majority finds reprehensible, toxic, incorrect.
• There's a long list of unprotected speech forms, from libel to incitement to threats to perjury, fraud, and so on. Most are narrowly defined and handled via litigation. We've never had a centralized MinTruth judging something amorphous and broad like "misinformation."
• The 2020 Iowa Caucus was the key disaster here. Tiny state, no result after 16 days, and even the New York Times was asking “WTF?” Instead of realizing quick results are essential to voter confidence and fixing the issue, we’re being asked to accept longer counts.
• I thought Biden was doing a decent job of selling “saving the guardrails of democracy,” but as you say, there was a major record scratch late in the speech.
Telling people in advance the results will take a long time, when the polls look dire, will massively increase paranoia
• Re-tweet -- Walter Kirn @walterkirn: That speech tonight was not a campaign speech. It did not have any real persuasive value or political intent. It was a speech specifically meant to manage and mold expectations about the vote-counting process.
• Even if I knew exactly what happened at Pelosi’s place I wouldn’t be blaming it on a lack of censorship. By that standard we should be wiping out the White Album to stop future Mansons or Blink 182 to prevent Columbines, and so on. Don’t you ever get tired of these arguments?
• If you don’t understand that free speech has to include things you personally consider odious, you don’t really believe in it.
• Either you’re being intentionally obtuse or you really don’t get it, but current law doesn’t come close to allowing prohibition of any post-factum speech downplaying the Pelosi attack. The standard is, you can ban someone saying, “Go in the house and hit him with a hammer.”
• Durbin is wrong here, and he surely knows the real standard for prohibiting speech (incitement to imminent lawless action), so the real question is why a Democratic Senator is going out of his way to incorrectly redefine what free speech means.
• I’m looking forward to a new episode of "TK Live" with to talk about "Truth Cops” With Ken Klippenstein" tomorrow at 3:00 PM ET / 12:00 PM PT. Join us!
• Very strange — for the second time, I discovered Twitter believed I’d muted
@thomaschattwill, though I never did. Related to that weird de-verification episode somehow maybe? Anyone else have that happen, with anyone?
• I read the article. The premise is ludicrous: because Glenn disagrees with U.S./neocon policy, he loves Putin. Just like the New Yorker “Bane of their Resistance” piece, it assumes something must be wrong, an evil pathology at work, when actually — he just disagrees with you.
There is a DIRECT connection between Russia-gate hoax concocted by St. Obama, Biden and Hillary and provoking capitalist Russia’s “Putin's war” by relentless NATO expansion.
The SAME lying team representing the US bipartisan War party.
Democracy and freedoms have left US – censorship is now nearly TOTAL; far worse than in Soviet Union 50 years ago.
• The reason only Fox shows are willing to air stories that are critical of the US Security State -- like the gigantic one broken by Lee Fang today -- is because the rest of them (NBC, MSNBC, CNN) *employ* agents of the US Security State, and thus mindlessly mimic what they say.
• This is the same reason no national Dem politicians or NBC/CNN/MSNBC hosts have trumpeted Lee and Ken's stories: only Fox hosts and GOP politicians
• CIA and FBI are revered in left-liberal politics, as is censorship, so this story doesn't bother them.
• Because he broke a major story revealing it is the Biden Admin -- specifically the US Security State -- which directs Big Tech's censorship program to serve its own interests. Obviously, CNN or MSNBC wouldn't touch this story
• Since 2016, when Democrats decided they can't win elections unless they control the internet, they have, each year, escalated their attempts to force and coerce Big Tech to censor for them, using CIA/DHS/FBI as well.
It's a clear 1st Amendment violation
• That NYT regularly cites Media Matters - the David-Brock-spawned slimy sewer of partisan lies and DNC talking points - as some kind of neutral expert on "disinformation" shows both the fraudulent nature of the "disinformation" scam and what side NYT is on
• The DCCC now sends out begging fund-raising emails that explicitly refer to MSNBC as a communications arm of the Democratic Party
• Glenn Greenwald's haters typically want him to just criticize the Democratic Party within the limits of obedience to the party. Since he crosses the limits, they hate him with such irrationality.
Edward Snowden @Snowden - Glenn Greenwald broke the story that freed Lula from prison. For that same reporting, Bolsonaro sought to put Greenwald *IN* prison—he actually brought charges!
• The funniest part was how Antifa marched in defense of state mandates, attacking anyone who questioned the merit of vaccine mandates (which @jeremycorbyn opposed). Even funnier was those who *opposed* this union of state and corporate to bar debate were called "fascists."
• Great work by @lhfang to expose crucial evidence on the most-overlooked point about Big Tech censorship. This censorship is not done at the sole or even primary initiative of Big Tech. It is so often done in conjunction with the US Govt and US Security State, which demands it
• It's very possible that the instantly formed media narrative -- Paul Pelosi's attacker was a MAGA fanatic who broke in to murder Nancy -- will be proven true. But right now there are so many glaring doubts and holes in that story that it just takes common sense to question this.
• I'd like to know:
* How someone broke into the home of one of the richest and most powerful families without setting off an alarm.
* How Paul Pelosi could call 9/11 in the middle of this.
* Who is the "unknown" person who opened the door for the police?
* Where is the video?
• What's most amazing isn't that the Squad is united in supporting Biden's Ukraine war polices and vocally defending unlimited funds to Raytheon. It's that they're now part of the DC group that brands critics Kremlin assets: the tactic Hillary revitalized and used against Bernie
• Not news, but @AdamKinzinger is a pathological liar: @Snowden is still a US citizen -- every bit as much as Kinzinger -- with the difference that one is a historic brave whistleblower, the other a loser on his way out of Congress, identifying with an anti-Semitic group (#fella)
• Once Adam Kinzinger slinks out of Congress, will be he be a CNN contributor, an MSNBC contributor, take a pity appointment with some mid-level State Dept. bureaucracy in the Biden Admin, or become a lobbyist for Raytheon?
• Many have forgotten that one of the first major differences between Obama and Hillary in 2008 was he said he'd negotiate with no preconditions with the leaders of Iran, North Korea, Syria, etc., while she attacked him as "naive and irresponsible" for it.
At 74 I want to know if Aaron and Katie have learned to stop worrying and love the bomb?
I suspect like me they are enjoying these most interesting of times. Samuel Beckett was a novice ; we have thousands of years enjoying the Theatre of the Absurd.
The English Civil War is the bloodiest war in English history and blood was food and drink to the British Empire.
I believe is metaphysics.
I am a Palestinian as much as I am a Jew. I am my brother's keeper.
The same Romans that created Jews created Palestinians.
That is what Empires do .
They make enemies of our brothers.
Donne was a lowly Catholic before the Cromwell genocides.
I know of Holy War and God is never on the side of the common folk.
Let us talk of Benjamin Franklin who Samuel Johnson called a scoundrel because despite being born a commoner and not going to school became one of the greatest lights of The Enlightenment.
He believed ALL MEN WERE CREATED EQUAL and he believed all religions were created by men to suit their creators.
I see a lot of Libs on Twitter today reacting to Lee Fang and KK's big story in the Intercept with yawns and the insane claim that "there's nothing new there". Oh? You knew that already? You knew that the government was working closely with big tech to shape the "cognitive infrastructure" of the nation? WHAT
it's nominated for this week's Isnt That Terrible
seems like a shoo-in for Democrats Suck, but that works, too
Kinda off topic, but I was recently listening to old episodes of Useful Idiots and realized how much I miss Matt Taibbi. As much as I love Aaron Maté and his insight and intelligence, the comedic banter of Katie and Matt is unparalleled. I really hope that Matt will be back before the apocalypse so that in the meantime I can experience the hellscape we are living in with a cathartic laugh once in a while. Or perhaps even better if Matt can return "part-time" sharing slots with Aaron so that we get the best of both!
Thank you Katie, Aaron, Matt, and Matt... You keep me sane.
Plus, soon we'll have him on as a guest to finally share the book he's been writing
Came for Matt, stayed for Aaron..
I actually think it’s a better and more informative show with Aaron. The banter is different-- but I wouldn’t say it’s worse.
Thanks and two concerns/questions:
To me a mystery is still – why the German population is not yet reacting to UK-US destruction of Germany. When will they finally?
Also – nuclear versus bio-weapons.. Bio-weapons are far less expensive to develop than nuclear.
We have here the incredible conclusion by the Chair of the Lancet’s COVID-19 Commission:
Prof. Jeffrey Sachs says he is “pretty convinced [COVID-19] came out of US lab biotechnology” and warns that there is dangerous virus research taking place without public oversight.
“Why the Chair of the Lancet’s COVID-19 Commission Thinks The US Government Is Preventing a Real Investigation Into the Pandemic”
Prof. Jeffrey Sachs is the Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University and the President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. He has also served as the chair of the COVID-19 commission for leading medical journal the Lancet. Through his investigations as the head of the COVID-19 commission, Prof. Sachs has come to the conclusion that there is extremely dangerous biotechnology research being kept from public view, that the United States was supporting much of this research, and that it is very possible that SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, originated through dangerous virus research gone awry.
I reply to the first question as someone living "next door" in Austria, which has many similarities (and some key differences) to Germany. Germans ARE protesting, it is just not being covered in the MSM. People are protesting all over Europe. You can find video on twitter if you look for it.
Germans/Austrians are pretty conservative overall. The people (in general) are also rich and used to life being pretty nice for a vast majority of the population. It is going to be hard to get more people on the streets until things get bad for more people.
I read/hear disparate reports on how much gas the EU has stored for winter. If/when people start freezing to death while losing their jobs because there is no gas - that is when the protests will grow too big to be ignored.
The attack on Paul Pelosi will be used to increase the security state so that US elected leaders and everyone close to them will become a protected class, very separate from the people they are ostensibly beholden to.
Political violence has been on the rise, and will continue to rise as the country falls apart. We, like every empire before us, are trying to hold onto our empire by overextending our military internationally rather than securing domestic tranquility. This makes a "soft landing" of our empire less and less likely.
How out-of-hand do you predict things will get?
That is very hard to predict, particularly as I haven't spent much time in the US since the George Floyd murder and the following protests. I've read a lot of Chris Hedges about how the former Yugoslavia fell apart.
I don't see a second US civil war like a "north vs. south" but more "outside" groups being marked as domestic terrorists leading to escalating violence. If the government cuts off funds (a la Canadian truckers) to too many people of the "wrong group" at once in too concentrated of an area I can easily see bands of the "dispossesd" saying, "Fuck it. We're not just going to starve. We have guns."
In the meantime, the longer the national government pushes "The Hunger Games" on it's citizens, the more violence we're going to see against "authorities" who say they are helping the people but demonstrably aren't.
The funniest--darkly--thing about the "climax" of the "action" in Dr Strangelove, with Slim Pickens riding the Nuke down to Oblivion on Earth, is that "Yankee ingenuity" saves the day, as in: the World Leaders of that Movie World, much like ours, have figured out how to stop the "Doomsday Weapon" being activated until the clever "Yankee" B-52 crew circumvents their efforts, and does the old "work-around" that destroys the planet. I am not sure that this "plot point" of the film has been appreciated enough, the sheer "manifest irony" of it. In Dust We all Average...
GG tweets – extracted ~Nov 2 period https://twitter.com/ggreenwald
Note the intensity of Glenn’s activity despite a serious health emergency in his family
• (re-tweet) unusual_whales @unusual_whales
JUST IN: Treasury Department officials have begun looking into whether they have the legal authority to start an investigation into the Elon Musk’s Twitter purchase because of Musk’s ties to foreign governments and investors, per the Washington Post.
Everybody knows exactly why this is happening.
• One day after a major story from @lhfang and @kenklippenstein proving the US Govt and Security State are directing Big Tech on what to censor, the #2 Senate Dem tries to radically restrict what "free speech" means in a way that contradicts all 1A caselaw:
Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin –“Free speech does not include spreading misinformation to downplay political violence.”
• By the way, one day after this massive story about the US Govt directing Big Tech censorship was published by a Dem-friendly site, with a popular left-wing figure as one of the reporters, neither CNN nor MSNBC invited them on, and no Dem politician has mentioned it.
Why is this?
• 2015, BBC: "Meet Twitter's second biggest shareholder, Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal"
If DC Dems want an excuse to investigate Musk's purchase of Twitter on "national security grounds" because he won't censor for them, they'll need a better excuse.
• Also, few things are more darkly hilarious than Dems pretending to be so deeply concerned about Musk's involvement with Saudis when it's the US Government that is single-handedly responsible for propping up the Saudi regime with arms and surveillance tech
• Americans are being conditioned -- by "journalists" of all people -- to believe it's immoral or mentally ill not to immediately and uncritically accept whatever institutions of authorities claim.
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald weighs in on the Paul Pelosi attack: "Skepticism itself can never be wrong ... Even if evidence does emerge later on to prove it, the skepticism itself was not just valid, but necessary."
• To this very day, you can read articles in liberal corporate outlets branding as "conspiracy theorists" anyone asking about Nuland's comments - same for those who questioned claims about COVID vaccine efficacy and mask mandates, or *any* claim that the US Security State issues.
• The US corporate press is trying to train Americans to believe the first and most solemn duty of citizenship is instantly accept whatever institutions of authority tell you to believe. No wanting to see evidence, no noting contradictions: just happily recite what you're told.
• Rather than obey France's censorship order, Rumble turned its services off for France and will sue. But France should have no right to impose its censorship laws on the world.
• This is why I'm so proud to be working more with Rumble and why I believe in their free speech commitment. The easy thing to do would be to obey French politicians and remove anyone foreign governments demand. Rumble would rather lose France then submit to them.
You are witnessing a slow motion implosion of the US world hegemony. It's like watching a tree grow: staring at it you won't see it move, but come back a few years later, it'll look all different.
FBI demands 66 YEARS to release data on Seth Rich laptop – (his murder is still unresolved.)
2020 elections were indeed STOLEN – by FBI !!
Jamie Raskin, Nazi Supporter Extraordinaire
Maryland's pompous congressman warms up to the Azov Battalion (by Scott Ritter – Nov 3, 2022)
MT tweets – extracted ~Nov 3 period https://twitter.com/mtaibbi
(Another precious and timely tweets on our life in US democracy – Matt Taibbi just in less than two days)
• After every tragedy opportunists start proposing we outlaw video games or Marilyn Manson albums or, now, right-wing tweets.
We’re the world’s biggest weapons producer a dozen times over and I don’t ever hear proposals to stop that — nope, it must be tweets inspiring violence.
• The writer Isaac Babel once said the Soviets had taken away "but one right—the right to write badly." It's not free speech unless you protect the right to say things the majority finds reprehensible, toxic, incorrect.
• There's a long list of unprotected speech forms, from libel to incitement to threats to perjury, fraud, and so on. Most are narrowly defined and handled via litigation. We've never had a centralized MinTruth judging something amorphous and broad like "misinformation."
• The 2020 Iowa Caucus was the key disaster here. Tiny state, no result after 16 days, and even the New York Times was asking “WTF?” Instead of realizing quick results are essential to voter confidence and fixing the issue, we’re being asked to accept longer counts.
• I thought Biden was doing a decent job of selling “saving the guardrails of democracy,” but as you say, there was a major record scratch late in the speech.
Telling people in advance the results will take a long time, when the polls look dire, will massively increase paranoia
• Re-tweet -- Walter Kirn @walterkirn: That speech tonight was not a campaign speech. It did not have any real persuasive value or political intent. It was a speech specifically meant to manage and mold expectations about the vote-counting process.
• Even if I knew exactly what happened at Pelosi’s place I wouldn’t be blaming it on a lack of censorship. By that standard we should be wiping out the White Album to stop future Mansons or Blink 182 to prevent Columbines, and so on. Don’t you ever get tired of these arguments?
• If you don’t understand that free speech has to include things you personally consider odious, you don’t really believe in it.
• Either you’re being intentionally obtuse or you really don’t get it, but current law doesn’t come close to allowing prohibition of any post-factum speech downplaying the Pelosi attack. The standard is, you can ban someone saying, “Go in the house and hit him with a hammer.”
• Durbin is wrong here, and he surely knows the real standard for prohibiting speech (incitement to imminent lawless action), so the real question is why a Democratic Senator is going out of his way to incorrectly redefine what free speech means.
• I’m looking forward to a new episode of "TK Live" with to talk about "Truth Cops” With Ken Klippenstein" tomorrow at 3:00 PM ET / 12:00 PM PT. Join us!
• Very strange — for the second time, I discovered Twitter believed I’d muted
@thomaschattwill, though I never did. Related to that weird de-verification episode somehow maybe? Anyone else have that happen, with anyone?
• I read the article. The premise is ludicrous: because Glenn disagrees with U.S./neocon policy, he loves Putin. Just like the New Yorker “Bane of their Resistance” piece, it assumes something must be wrong, an evil pathology at work, when actually — he just disagrees with you.
Myth about China’s “social credit system” – CIA and the US bipartisan War party propaganda at work
Wondering if my laptop can be locked for 66 years after I pass away. Seems a good idea in general for everyone not just Seth Rich.
Thank you !!
There is a DIRECT connection between Russia-gate hoax concocted by St. Obama, Biden and Hillary and provoking capitalist Russia’s “Putin's war” by relentless NATO expansion.
The SAME lying team representing the US bipartisan War party.
Democracy and freedoms have left US – censorship is now nearly TOTAL; far worse than in Soviet Union 50 years ago.
FYI -- GG tweets – extracted ~Oct. 31 period https://twitter.com/ggreenwald
• The reason only Fox shows are willing to air stories that are critical of the US Security State -- like the gigantic one broken by Lee Fang today -- is because the rest of them (NBC, MSNBC, CNN) *employ* agents of the US Security State, and thus mindlessly mimic what they say.
• This is the same reason no national Dem politicians or NBC/CNN/MSNBC hosts have trumpeted Lee and Ken's stories: only Fox hosts and GOP politicians
• CIA and FBI are revered in left-liberal politics, as is censorship, so this story doesn't bother them.
• Because he broke a major story revealing it is the Biden Admin -- specifically the US Security State -- which directs Big Tech's censorship program to serve its own interests. Obviously, CNN or MSNBC wouldn't touch this story
• Since 2016, when Democrats decided they can't win elections unless they control the internet, they have, each year, escalated their attempts to force and coerce Big Tech to censor for them, using CIA/DHS/FBI as well.
It's a clear 1st Amendment violation
• That NYT regularly cites Media Matters - the David-Brock-spawned slimy sewer of partisan lies and DNC talking points - as some kind of neutral expert on "disinformation" shows both the fraudulent nature of the "disinformation" scam and what side NYT is on
• The DCCC now sends out begging fund-raising emails that explicitly refer to MSNBC as a communications arm of the Democratic Party
• Glenn Greenwald's haters typically want him to just criticize the Democratic Party within the limits of obedience to the party. Since he crosses the limits, they hate him with such irrationality.
Edward Snowden @Snowden - Glenn Greenwald broke the story that freed Lula from prison. For that same reporting, Bolsonaro sought to put Greenwald *IN* prison—he actually brought charges!
Today on this site: "Glenn must be sad Bolsonaro lost and Lula won." witter.com/figgityfigs/st…
• The funniest part was how Antifa marched in defense of state mandates, attacking anyone who questioned the merit of vaccine mandates (which @jeremycorbyn opposed). Even funnier was those who *opposed* this union of state and corporate to bar debate were called "fascists."
• Great work by @lhfang to expose crucial evidence on the most-overlooked point about Big Tech censorship. This censorship is not done at the sole or even primary initiative of Big Tech. It is so often done in conjunction with the US Govt and US Security State, which demands it
• It's very possible that the instantly formed media narrative -- Paul Pelosi's attacker was a MAGA fanatic who broke in to murder Nancy -- will be proven true. But right now there are so many glaring doubts and holes in that story that it just takes common sense to question this.
• I'd like to know:
* How someone broke into the home of one of the richest and most powerful families without setting off an alarm.
* How Paul Pelosi could call 9/11 in the middle of this.
* Who is the "unknown" person who opened the door for the police?
* Where is the video?
• What's most amazing isn't that the Squad is united in supporting Biden's Ukraine war polices and vocally defending unlimited funds to Raytheon. It's that they're now part of the DC group that brands critics Kremlin assets: the tactic Hillary revitalized and used against Bernie
• Not news, but @AdamKinzinger is a pathological liar: @Snowden is still a US citizen -- every bit as much as Kinzinger -- with the difference that one is a historic brave whistleblower, the other a loser on his way out of Congress, identifying with an anti-Semitic group (#fella)
• Once Adam Kinzinger slinks out of Congress, will be he be a CNN contributor, an MSNBC contributor, take a pity appointment with some mid-level State Dept. bureaucracy in the Biden Admin, or become a lobbyist for Raytheon?
• Many have forgotten that one of the first major differences between Obama and Hillary in 2008 was he said he'd negotiate with no preconditions with the leaders of Iran, North Korea, Syria, etc., while she attacked him as "naive and irresponsible" for it.
I would like to hear Aaron and Katie discuss the Kaddish the fundamental Jewish prayer that influences our stoicism.
It is a prayer without meaning and yet it is an answer to a universe without the concept of reward and punishment.
It is what it is and totally non American.
American Christianity is decidedly unJudeo-Christian.
Tit for tat Judaism is a post Roman and Greek Christian phenomenon.
Jesus' last words were why have you forsaken us?
Tikkun Olam requires more than faith in that the universe is somehow just.
Stoicism and a sense of humour is why I consider Aaron and Katie family.
I too love my own personal witticisms.
Justice is the last thing on the mind of Chief Justice John Torquemada Roberts.
At 74 I want to know if Aaron and Katie have learned to stop worrying and love the bomb?
I suspect like me they are enjoying these most interesting of times. Samuel Beckett was a novice ; we have thousands of years enjoying the Theatre of the Absurd.
Once you step back and realize it's all theatre of the absurd, everything becomes funny again. It's the useful idiots way
"All the world's a stage"
As we like it
When I heard of the windows of Kiev I could help but think of Mel; Brooks and
Saran Wrap.
11 minutes into the skit
No one was more Jewish than Doctor Strangelove.
Any interest about terror on Palestinians by apartheid Israel?
John Donne 1572 -1631
"No Man is an Island"
"Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee."
The English Civil War is the bloodiest war in English history and blood was food and drink to the British Empire.
I believe is metaphysics.
I am a Palestinian as much as I am a Jew. I am my brother's keeper.
The same Romans that created Jews created Palestinians.
That is what Empires do .
They make enemies of our brothers.
Donne was a lowly Catholic before the Cromwell genocides.
I know of Holy War and God is never on the side of the common folk.
Let us talk of Benjamin Franklin who Samuel Johnson called a scoundrel because despite being born a commoner and not going to school became one of the greatest lights of The Enlightenment.
He believed ALL MEN WERE CREATED EQUAL and he believed all religions were created by men to suit their creators.
It appears the US/Biden/MIC is headed for Australia. Why?
Dingos, probably
The jingo took my baby!
EDIT: Also, this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYTIGXvc88Y&t=16s